Your alternative mindset uplifts me almost every time...
Finished reading the whole post I can do whatever i can to affirm doing art from the soul is the way to become useful in these virtual societies...
The art you always present to us could be heavy for somebody and that is really transformative. Properly digested info/ influence is like you said kinda sensed from within... while some other scenarios approve the general blindness of the masses ;)
Keep it up!
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Just know, and I say this from a lot of experience: People want to follow the artist, not just the art. Always add some of your own personality to whatever you're doing. One cannot gain popularity without adding in their own personality. The picture might say a 1000 words or whatever, but that's not enough.
Now I see what I was missing (well I knew it)...
I just wanted my art to be non personal... but then they don't care what is it about...
So in this case I'm going to start publishing some personal feelings and story about it... more and more...
Thanks for your guidance @nonameslefttouse!
Sometimes I'll just ramble on about nothing and hope something funny comes out.