So your boyfriend is not thinking about your future together? He's not even planning for it?
Well, that's ok. YOU do the planning and tell him what you are planning. Tell him to get with the program.
If what you want is marriage etc, then tell him. It doesn't have to be next week, or next month or even next year. But tell him that's what you want and that you are planning for it.
He will either
1 - run away
2 - say he's not ready
3 - say he's not ready, but secretly plan stuff
4 - say he's not ready, but come around to your way of thinking after he's had a bit of time to process it
5 - totally get on board wit it
Whatever it is, putting off the discussion, while it might seem the safest approach, is not really helping.
hows that for stepping out of your comfort zone? Risky enough for you?
I told my wife a short while after we moved in together that maybe we should set up a meeting to have a discussion about the possibility of talking about maybe thinking along the lines of sometime in the future being open to a conversation about the possibly remote chance that we might one day get married.
She phone up Crete that night and invited half of the island to our wedding. the church and priest were booked, the venue, food and wine sorted, rings made - all before I even proposed.
So you never really know when someone is going to surprise you ;-)
Thank you!! We've talked about it at all. All he ever says is " I don't know" which is incredibly frustrating. And our first serious talk was 2 years ago. He's still saying he doesn't know. So at some point I may have to cut him lose.
Awww I love that! Your story sounds so sweet heheh! I would love for a surprise, But I don't want to get my hopes up. I let it drive me insane for a very long time haha.
What I would do is tell him you dont want to pressure him in any way and its fine and you will need to keep your options open do you will begin to see other men, he obviously shouldn't expect to have you all to himself, and continue to see him, only if you want to. He'll either step up or he won't. You deserve to be on the path to the relationship you want. I'm working on an article along these lines.
Thank you! You should share it with me once your done! In case I don't see it. I really like that advice. Thank you so much! It helps a lot because this is something I've been really hurting about.
Hi @kaylinart I've published a post about you, check it out if you can, thanks.
30 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Day To Follow 3rd August 2017
I will, I just saw this, sorry. I wrote some other articles along these lines...I'm running out the door to go to sleep study right now but when I get settled in I'll come back and give you the links. You'll get through this! xoxo
Here you go: The Upside of Getting Turned Down in Love -
Wow bro your story is fantastic!!!! you are the luckiest man on Earth!!!!!!
hehe thanks. Yes I am, and my wife makes sure to tell me that every day ;-)
lol luckyyyyyy