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RE: I'm fucked up with a lot of issues.

in #life7 years ago

First of all,It's great to talk and vent. are young and talking about putting people into categories. I am personally sick of all the social justice warriors. it's all about them. I am old enough to know that whatever government is in power in Australia. They will always panda to minorities that haven't had a life. I say get of your arse and go visit south east Asia. You can tell me about all your sad sorry stories when you get back!. Don't talk about the treatment of LBGQTI and whatever other letter you want to add because others have a different opinion. This LBGTIQ whatever are some of the most malicious disgusting creatures I have ever come across. They destroy peoples Business's and families, for voicing there opinion. They have to understand. Thats part of free speech. You don't have to agree with me and I don't have to agree with you. The government should be focusing on. Feeding sheltering educating and providing health care to ALL Australians NOT just the ones that cry the loudest. We Are All The Same Equal. when it comes to what matters.

And what have you done for your country.
