
Thank you! The beautiful thing is the love between these two awesome individuals, I am just happy to be able to witness true love! As much as I dislike the fact that they are dealing with cancer disturbing their lives, they show us that even when the storm hits love will carry on!! Love is in the wings of the raven and the wind blowing through the trees! Even in 50 years that love will still breathe!

I completely agree. Personally, I am very happy they have come into my life (and have said so) They both are so strong, so loving and caring of each other (even though they tried to go a little bit of gift of the magi on us) It shows what real true actual love is.

Yeah, I have to crack jokes it's not to lessen anything. To me laughter is the best medicine for another it shows, that while I may feel bad for the situation, all I have here is love, no pity. I hope when it's my turn, someone will be cracking jokes at me...I'm sure they will. My wish when my times comes I can go the way I want to.

What Brian needs to remember is they are making a trip up here next year to go to the Headless Chicken festival ( hehe ) Now that he knows about the chicken..I don't think the chicken jokes will end :D <3

lol😄 Laughter is definitely the best medicine! Headless chicken festival... Google here i come🙂

@charisma777 I hope you have the same reaction @briancourteau did hehehehe