Ladies and Gentlemen, it is finally starting! I have wrote in my introductory article that I wanted to be an actor. Well this summer I will be going around Cyprus performing in a theatre play. Today was the setup for the first village. My back hurts, my shoulder is almost dislocated, I am full of splinter and screw holes. I am tired. But let me tell you about my day. I want to actually document this journey and I hope this gets recognition. I apologize in advance for the way this is gonna be written, but it's going to be more of a me speaking type of writing.

Today I woke up at 5 since we had rehearsals since 6. It sucks, I know, but this is the only time we could do it. It's really early to gather at an apartment and rehearse so I took us to my university's labs since they would have been open and empty. We start a rather technical rehearsal and it is going well. At some point a cleaner lady comes and starts shouting at us. I try to go politely and ask what the problem is, and in very broken English she says that she wants to clean. I tell her that we are going to leave, wondering why didn't she say so in the first place.
We then move to an apartment and start the rehearsal as usual. It went as well as someone can expect a rehearsal of 7 people without sleep to go. A bunch of hours pass, and we are done. I've got a few hours more to relax and eat, but then we have to go set up the stage for the first village. This is the first time setting up so we were sure it was gonna be the hardest.
We go to our "boss's" garage, full of dyi props. This man needs a shout out. He likes doing everything himself, since he wants everything to work the way he is visioning it. He has now finished his acting diploma and is a year away from his engineering diploma. So we go there, lots of wooden doors and walls. Time to get carrying. We put on some music and we start sweating. Beware of overextending screws. You might get your hands filled with holes.

From our team only three of us can carry. So we use team work and soul to perform the task at hand. Cyprus' heat is no joke. Thankfully it was afternoon so we weren't in the 40+ degrees celsius of the morning, but it wasn't that off. We were dripping on the props. Still it was completely worth it because this meant the start of our journey. I personally am kind of a cave man so it was especially hot for me. Bit by bit we managed to put everything on the rented van.

The sun is setting. We are heading to the village ready to set the stage hoping it will stay set untill Wednesday. The village is only half an hour away. The name is Kornos. Maybe they were trying to name it Kronos and they misspelled it. It was a pleasant ride. After some time, we would arrive to the very desired destination.

The driver is our director and co-actor. He is the one setting everything up. Communicating with villages to get us more plays. Fixing everything. Working all the time. He deserves to succeed. The one of the middle has the gift of sound. He is like a bird, able to mimic all sounds, no matter the depth or extend. A director that has hired him should be able to regognize that gift and put him to a good use. The cave man in the right of course is me. Well, I'm an idiot so I've got that going for me which is nice.

We finally arrive and get to drilling. It's a small amphitheater in a small park. Doesn't matter. We still find it exhilarating! The set up left us destroyed but I have to say, it was really fun!

We lost our hammer so we had to improvise. Using any tool we could find. And once again, my cave man instincts kicking in, I found the perfect solution for hammering. Rocks. We found the perfect rocks for hammering the doors to their place.

Here we have the boss man again, working his ass off. No rest for the wicked I guess.

Finally managing to set one door up we realize it is night already. We were gonna be there for a while.

The time is almost midnight. The walls are set. Rest of the props will be brought here the day of the play. It looks kinda cool. It looks hand made and full of effort. Someone's dreams are holding it up. And also a lot of rocks behind the walls.

The day is Monday closing in on Tuesday. On Wednesday we are playing. We are tired. We've done a good job so now we get to go home and rest. Or so we thought. On our way back, we get pulled over. I will not say the reason because the officer didn't write this reason on the ticket out of good heart. So that might get him in trouble. He was forced to write us for something else. Now listen here, I am good at predicting the future, but honestly, there was no way any of us could have seen this coming. The car that was RENTED to us by a COMPANY that very day didn't have a vehicle registration. We were blown away. This is not a good start to our journey. We need this van. I hope this problem is just a misunderstanding and that it will get fixed soon.
Thank you for reading and if this gets attention I will keep posting our road ahead. I hope it is going to be a long and fun road. Once again I am Tsinik, and I hope you enjoyed my material. Goodbye.
- How to be Happy (this is an important article)
- Death, What can you do.
- Lucid Dreaming, the 5 stages of power.
Good luck my friend.
Aye thanx :D
Lovely post great positive attitude. Good luck boss!
I'll keep the attitude positive as long as I can stand up! :D