Take smaller bites!

in #life7 years ago


I am very guilty of trying to bite off more than I can chew!

Sometimes I set unattainable goals during my day so that I am never satisfied, no matter how much I actually achieve. I try to take such a big bite instead of going through tasks normally, one bite at a time. I struggle with an all-or-nothing mentality, causing me to feel defeated after I've done a ton, but couldn't do it all. The truth is that I can't do it all, and if I keep perceiving my days as huge bites that I cannot chew, then I will never be content chewing smaller, normal-sized bites. 


I believe in myself and have confidence that I can get things done, but I can't beat myself up when I can't do everything. I can do anything the best that I can, but I can't do everything. 


I need to take smaller bites. I need to understand that not completing every big task does not nullify my completion of small tasks. Every small task counts!


How old are you?!

I'm 23! Haha, why? :)

I was only curious :D

Loved this...it is a good reminder for all of us in this crazy - out-of-control-fast-paced-over-stimulated society that we have produced...I think we're all guilty of the same thing...

Yes, we are way out of control and over-stimulated! We just need to remember that what we can achieve is enough!

Remember that you can do it all. Just not all at once!

Believe me with four kids the oldest being 14 the youngest 6, Small bites helps everyone in the circle @uglysweater

Haha, I can totally see that!

This is so true! I also am guilty of biting off more than I can chew and it is stressful, and disappointing when it doesnt end up working out the way you planned.
Thanks for posting!

It is definitely disappointing. I would rather focus on what I can get done instead of what I can't! :)

Hahahaha yeah friend....take a smaller bite sometimes.

Very true. I am guilty of the same. My daughter calls it biking it. When a task seems overwhelming, I often go into denial. I have to remind myself to chunk it into pieces. Lists are my life :) Great post. Blessings

"Biking it," that's funny! Lists totally help! Blessings! :)

Sometimes you set out with good intentions but achieve very little in the course of the day. Yes just doing little bits at a time and doing it well is always great advice.

Whatever you can achieve is better than nothing! :)

That's so true!

Thats true. I have the same habit! I think that I should finish everything at once and not waste the time. I feel very stressed sometimes :(
Enjoyed reading your post, thank you for sharing !

I know, I get stressed, too! It's really quite silly the stresses we create for ourselves.

Including an idea and creative in the post

Cool to see we are not alone, it is best to set smaller goals, for that gratification at the end of the day instead of the disappointment we face not reaching the ridiculous super human goals we set lol ...enjoy your honesty as always :)

That's right, smaller goals! Thank you! :)

Every bit makes a lot

Exactly. :)

This post is just fantastic.

That is totally true!

That's good reminder. We are not superman/superwoman! So just do whatever we want do and enjoy it! Cute picture by the way :)

We should enjoy what we do! Thanks! 😊

Excellent choice of an image!

There are reasons for us to push ourselves to achieve more during the day.

For me that reason is the image I have on the level of achieved results.

Internally, I'm usually aware that I can't achieve it all in a day, but I still do it believing that this is the best way to reach the set goal faster.

I absolutely believe in striving to achieve as much as possible and setting goals, but what I believe in more than that is the balance. We are never going to be able to do it all in this life. But if we do our best and are content with that, we will feel much more satisifed than if we create neverending goal cycles for ourselves.

For a minute there I thought I was reading my personal diary. I am defintely guilty of biting off more than I can chew. When I start to become flustered and overwhelmed my husband always asks me, "How do you eat an elephant?" the answer being, "one bite at a time".

Yes! An elephant, one bite at at time, exactly! 😊

So Funny.....

This resonates so much, as most of your writing does. This is why I decided to gove bullet journaling a go. To try and be more organized and manage my tasks and time better.

I am so glad it resonates! Bullet journaling is a good idea! 😊

hi its very nice.