This morning, I saw this picture on a friends facebook wall and it reminded me of a very important lesson in life: the need to extend a helping hand to pull others up especially at a point in their lives when they are most vulnerable. There are a few of us who are fortunate or blessed enough to have successfully traveled through the various floors of life. But once we are here, it is important for us to send the elevator back down so our brothers and sisters at the bottom may also climb up. Of course, while it is true that one requires handwork and determination to chalk success, it is equally true that some people are disadvantaged just by virtue of who they are or where they find themselves. Thus, we may be in charge of our destinies but the impact of the environment in modeling our lives and shaping our paths can not be overestimated.
In fact, I couldn't agree more with Danny Thomas on this. A life that is lived in service to humanity is indeed a life worth living. We each can be that person who leaves behind indelible foot prints of true happiness and joy wherever we step. That person who illuminates and brighten up every dark conner we find our selves in. For a lit candle loses nothing by lighting up another. I will conclude by imploring us to reflect on these deep words by Mother Teresa.
I alone can not change the world. But I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
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