Yesterday, I mentioned the book I was reading a summary of in which the author has a five second rule to help her get things done. In the morning, instead of pressing the snooze button and just holding back, she counts: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then it comes to an end and she jumps out of bed.
If she has a hard email to write, she starts the countdown, and that kind of forces her to start. And so one of the other takedowns from the book is the quote in the topic, that most of our hardships stem from a lack of faith in the fact that we are able to improve.
Source: Bing Designer
That is for sure true, because if we don't believe that we are capable of changing, then why should we even try? Why get on the treadmill if you don't believe it will help, and if you don't believe it will change you, and you are quite sure you will never be able to use it regularly anyway?!
And so, many of our problems are actually there because we do not have faith in ourselves and our ability to change things. How can we change that attitude? Because this attitude clearly stops us from changing.
Honestly I have got to think about that for a second, but one useful thing is to find someone with whom you can change together and with whom you can inspire one another to keep the change going. Standing accountable is often helping people changes, because they don't like standing accountable and failing, saying that I haven't done what I was supposed to do.
This is at least a start. Have you got any further advice?