"When you start to believe that you are the unluckiest person in the world, you stop trying to perform better."

in #life2 months ago

Have you ever thought about how the way you think about yourself actually influence your behavior? If you say that you are in pain, or that you head hurts, or so on, it will give you an excuse as to why you are not doing things. If you are the unluckiest person in the world, you are giving yourself an excuse not to do things, because it will not succeed anyway seeing you always are the most unlucky person.

Source: Bing Designer

Do you see what I mean? If you believe you are the most lucky person in the world, you will try all sorts of things, because you expect great things to come from life.

In other words, the way you think about yourself will greatly influence the outcome of your days and your life.

Is it possible to change the way you are thinking about yourself? Well, I believe it is, but it takes some work, reading good books, following great blogs, looking at inspirational videos, and also getting rid of bad voices disturbing you!