The world system develops and expands on daily basis.
Both government and private sectors put together.
Every area of human endavours inclusive;
• Social,
• Political,
• Religious,
This could be possible by an ACTIVE agreement among the PEOPLE, rather than PASSIVE or ACCIDENTAL occurrences.

There is this popular notion;
"No man is an Island".
But in the other hand, i have come to an observation that in as much as the above notion is an influence to individual behaviours, individual's behaviour towards others is some how influenced also by this saying also;
"If you live in glass house, don't throw stone".

TOLERANCE is a very special word that has been a very important TOOL in the hand of the INFLUENCIAL FORCE of the world's development from the existence of human race according to my definition/view.
Believe it or not,
• where you are today,
• what you have become,
• what you were able to achieve and
• your future goals etc
must submit to TOLERANCE for a scrutiny before any considerable results.
There are many definitions of the word Tolerance, but these definitions are aimed at a similar conclusion which has something to do with these words Patience, Long Suffering, Perseverance, Endurance, Willingness etc.
Many fields have defined Tolerance in their respective disciplines' terms
Biology and Medicine,
Economics, Business, and Politics,
Engeneering and Physics,
Mathematics and Statistics.
But, i will just make some highlights of few definitions.
1 Tolerance is the state of tolerating or putting up with, conditionally. Wikipedia
2 Tolerance is the Willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them. Cambridge Dictionary.
I rate any individual that has come to the extent of flexibility in TOLERANCE as mature. The level where you can overlook somethings for peace to reign.

I am also of the mindset that the ability to Tolerate starts from childhood.
Yeah, in a way. Infact, its mostly natural.

The Growth of steemit platform is as a result of individuals and groups from different backgrounds tolerating each other to achieve different targeted goals.
• It teaches Personal Descipline.
• It helps us to Respect others.
• When we are Tolerant, we can discover other persons views.
• It makes us to be quiet Mentally.
• It makes you to learn something new.
• When you don't attack other people, it helps you avoid problems.
• When you have calm and positive attitude, it can help you to be healthier.
• You can express your idea better when you are Tolerant.
There is more to Tolerance which i might not cover in this post.
But, i believe you are impacted.
Please do come around so we rub minds together.
You can also drop your opinion on the comment box if you wish to, its always welcomed.
Tolerance is so much needed in our lives. Everybody has different characters so the ability to tolerate and keep the understanding flowing will make you live in harmony.
Nice post.
Yea. Thank you so much for dropping your opinion.
Nice post dear, we must all learn to tolerate each other at any position we find ourselves. Be it in our various families or working places.
Yes. Tolerance benefits us immensely. Thank you for the contribution
Tolernace not so popular in steemit, let make it more popular... :)