The guy who lives under the sea and his friend Patrick Star have been entertaining us for a long time now. Not just that, they also been giving us some very valuable life lessons, and it's time we take note and learn:
Friends mean the world
Value your true assets, those who stand by you in your good and bad times.
Never Quit
No matter how far the goal might be, never stop trying.
It's ok to be weird sometimes
Let your guard down and do what you feel like as if no one is watching you.
Love your job
Do what you love and love what you do,so that you don't have Monday morning blues, but rather something like this
Be fascinated
Have a child like curiosity and get amazed by the little things around you, which everyone just ignores while rushing through life.
Embrace yourself
Just be yourself, forgot what everyone thinks of you, love yourself unconditionally. Your existence is as meaningful as anyone else's.
Take a break
Life may keep throwing challenges at you and you might be overcoming them with spongebob like swag, but it is still important to take a break every now and then.
My favourite life lesson from the list:
Mine too :) It's so simple thing to have in such a complex world and we still miss it most of the times.@gikitiki
Amazing you can get such great inspiration from a simple thing like spongebob, I wish I had you perspective on life :)
@theb0red1 perspective is as easy to change as sunglasses, put the old one down and put on whichever you like , it's that simple :)
Be like Spongebob!
yes let's all be like him
Nice post, thanks.
thank you!
Very inspiring! Thanks!
@unrealisback, I love it. Life lessons according to Spongebob! :) I love the "you needed a 600 but you got a 6! :) Now that's funny! :)
@patrick-g thanks ! He's just 594 short :P