To add my 2cents, I did some digging on the significance of Ursa Major, because it didn't feel right when people thought it meant something as simple as 'Russia vs. Trump' (bear bites trump's hand.... no) but I knew it was more esoteric in nature... I knew it had to do with the veil opening, at least that's what i feel and it coincides with so many other things that allude to that. Some examples would be CERN, and their attempts to own portals, the location is even set on an ancient Appolyon site. The United Nations also funds the erection of over 1000 arches of 'triumph' (ba'al/appolyon) in rich they have one in trafalgar square already, and one in new york.... anyways I digress. My point was about Ursa Major's and the other constellations part in this. I found this link:
Which alludes that 3constellations must align in order to summon this "set" or "Satan" character, after the antichrist is born i think. I'm not Christian, but i believe what you do, that we should save ourselves. I do think that the religions are part of the evil hegelian dialect trying to manipulate people into worshiping and choosing sides when that is what is keeping us trapped. I think the religious texts are more the agenda of the elites/draconian/merovingian bloodlines.... they want to unleash hell on earth and enslave us further, but i think it will be under the guise of a fake holy war, and a fake rapture (capturing slaves). We do need to prepare spiritually. Learn how to protect yourself and learn how to break free from giving consent to any entities that try to convince you that you have no choice but to submit to their side. You won't go to hell, only if you consent. I hope what I said doesn't seem crazy.
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