greetings! you will find if you read my posts on 'spirit' topics that I offer perspective and understanding that is often contrary to the ideas espoused from spirit directly and the over-seers there - although it does depend on who exactly you are tuning into in the other dimensions as some already agree with me.
it is not wrong to desire instant manifestation, though sometimes a process needs to be involved to allow the specifics of what is needed to arrive in life. the amount of 'time' that is present within the 'delay' from want/need/desire to experience/manifestation is often in relation to the amount of beliefs being held that say that instant manifestation is impossible. i actually wrote about this topic a bit recently. it's a complex topic though, since to fully understand it requires deep cognition of aspects of reality that many spirits and most humans do not yet grasp at all - mostly due to their rejection of self and feelings.
this brings me to the error of 'selflessness'. it is not possible to be selfless without inviting death and self destruction. balance is needed and this is zen. balance is the way of ensuring all needs are met and it is not true that you are working for the greater good of all unless you are also inclusive of your own real needs - which means selflessness is denial-based, counter-productive and ultimately dangerous. the frozen image of 'jesus on the cross' as being some kind of great saviour of humanity is one of the most destructive and reversed ideas ever created and will go the way of the dinosaurs once more are balanced and in tune with their real feelings and heart.
I hear what you say and realise that spirituality comes in many colours, tones and hues.
I agree that manifestation is a process and personally feel that divine timing is at play. When I am ready things will slot into place naturally.
I also believe that selflessness is erroneous. To be of service a person has to be on top of their personal game. Martyrdom does not sit comfortably on my shoulders and I too think that the iconic portrayal of Jesus on the cross is a damning image to peddle.
I look forward to interacting with you further, appreciate your comment and upvote and wish you well.
you are welcome - thanks! :)