Alternative sources of energy, whose use has been increasing for a few decades, are the sun, water and wind. These energy sources have several advantages. On the one hand they are renewable, that is to say, they are not exhausted by more that we use it. On the other hand, are cleaner than other energy sources, as they do not emit toxic gases into the atmosphere, such as coal or oil

The rational use of nonrenewable energy resources is indispensable to guarantee the future of our planet, since they can be exhausted. In addition, it is necessary to make maximum use of possible renewable energy resources, since they constitute a virtually eternal source, as well as economic and non-polluting energy. Thus, it is necessary to build and use solar cells, hydroelectric dams, windmills, etc.
1 ° Solar energy as the main source of energy
In the solar power plants take advantage of the energy that comes from the sun to transform into other forms of energy. There are two types of power plants that use solar energy that reaches the earth: solar thermal power plants and photovoltaic solar power plants

2 ° Rivers as sources of energy
Hydroelectric dams are an economic source of electricity. These dams have huge turbines and electric alternators. The turbines basically consist of a wheel to which they are subject to a kind of spoon. Moving water collides with spoons and causes the wheels to move. The movement of the wheel is transmitted to an electric alternator, where the transformation of hydraulic energy into usable electric energy is finally to

3 ° Winds as an energy source
Wind power can also be used to produce electricity. The wind produces the movement of some mills with large blades, light and robust, which turn produce electricity. Wind energy is inexhaustible, free and does not pollute, however it has a disadvantage that it is interminable, as the wind is not always blowing.

Nice post and thanks for commenting on our @sportspodium posts. There are some nice applications of clean energy with crypto that we have looked at in the last few years, especially in the poorer regions of Africa, where a real difference can be made to people's lives. Keep posting.
thank my friend
Informative post!! Do checkout my new posts @caffienecoated
There are more alternative energy sources. I was hoping that your post would outline some of them.
Thanks for outlining the main three.