Time is measured in seconds, life is measured in years but the true measure of a life well spent is not in how long a one has been on earth but how much time one has put to profitable use.
Certainly life is too short for us to give out all we have to offer but every day, life gives us a chance to give in our best...
Just like Martin Luther King put it,
"If you can't be tree, be a bush
If you can't be a highway just be a trail
If you can't be the sun, be a star
For it isn't by size that you win or fail,
be the best of what so ever you are
"No one owns his own life. Everyone - no matter how insignificant - has an effect on someone else, just as a stone sends out ripples when cast into still water. A person whose life doesn't touch another is a person without a shadow" (anonymous)
Remember, "little drops of water make the mighty ocean", and "whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" (Eccl. 9: 10). No matter how little the measure no matter how trivial the means, make sure that no chance to make the world a better place is wasted by you. For it is the big dreams of 'little' people that create the mighty FUTURES we seek.
You are worth the price tag you put on yourself and always never forget that you are LOVED by GOD.