Trump would only become a reliable partner if he arranges a meeting with all east anti-EU European nations and cooperates with them to end the madness people have been befallen with. Otherwise, it seems, there is no hope for us Europeans to escape what awaits us. We here in Germany will elect, so God will, in February, but it is estimated that the same old party will have more votes than the opposition and that the same old coalitions will be formed, which then will fight each other and block themselves from governing. While 20-30 percent of people voting the actual opposition will face again the so called "Brandmauer" against the party. We must obviously learn through pain.
Now, I don't think that Trump is as much interested in Europe and since he is also distracted by crisis in the US themselves, I don't think such an approach seems to be realistic. We are on our own. The sooner we get that, the better.
Many of us have been unable to pierce the veil that has been drawn over our eyes from birth, but with the help of our fellows, people like Calin Georgescu, who have seen through the deception that is inflicted on humanity, more and more of us are able to do the same. This is an apocalypse, a revealing time. It has also the potential to be a cataclysm, a destructive time, and that is what is intended by our enemies who have practiced to deceive us all our days, but it will be the preface to an enduring paradise as has been long prophesied by wizened seers of ancient days, because the revelation humanity gains will encourage us to be forthright with one another and build together that world that will best benefit our posterity. As the mask falls from our deceivers, we gain the power of understanding and the simple truth that working together as free and just people will best enable our beloved sons and daughters to prosper in the world we deliver them, that they will deliver to their posterity, will be understood by all. We will prevail in our efforts to build civil society on that simple basis that is in harmony with the hearts and minds of all humanity and the laws of the universe, facilitating our best fruition and preventing our suppression and subjugation in perpetuity.
so marvellous how the countries in europe are turning against the entrenched power structures people are revolting against. especially those countries physically closer to russia.
whether organic or not, there are definitely new tendencies appearing on the world stage. let us hope it is for the better and the people get a genuine win for once
Wow, that's really interesting! Good that the current president will stay on until the next guy is sworn in. Do they think the results will change if the election is postponed? Or maybe that will give them time to rig something? Yikes! Crazy.
Well, the report that police had surrounded his home suggest the latter, that they intended to achieve what the Biden administration had only attempted to do to President Trump, which is safely ensconce him in jail where he could be prevented from taking any action or making any statement contrary to the wishes of criminals with the keys to power.
It is obvious to me that across the West governments have suffered the full effects of infiltration by the weaponized WEF trained traitors that Klaus Schwab claimed back in 2017, and the best of the West are tinpot dictatorships today that make actual dictatorships like El Salvador look like paragons of democracy and freedom in comparison.
I would be foolish to go all-in on any of the current politicians who seem to be acting on behalf of the public and going against the organised criminals who currently help run the world order. However, I am forever hopeful and want to believe the likes of Trump, Musk, and This Romanian example, have realised that their legacy and success could actually be better served if they are to become “the people’s champ” and strive for a truly better world. I stand by and wait to be disappointed.
You are absolutely right to note that only fools rush to judgment and unreservedly support rhetoric without first ascertaining if there is any substance to it. Discernment is the charge the wise are fairly assigned, and the record of our enemies is strewn with examples of insuperable assertions notoriously insubstantiable, and these are as easily swatted away as flies. But Calin Georgescu presents a different mien, a career of exemplary service arrested suddenly by his discovery of the blackmail suffered by institutions and people in power. I have but scant familiarity with him, and his career, or his country, people, and the legal foundations of the republic for which he stands, but it is impossible to assign credibility to the assertions of the institutional power of media and government arrayed against his candidacy, and the statement of the favored opponent in that election starkly reveals it's void of substance.
This from the career media presenter favored by the powers that presently rule Romania who was projected to lose the election that was called off. Additionally, the sitting President issued a statement he said was 'for NATO', assuring them that Romania was a reliable ally, that Romania wasn't 'in trouble'.
From the distant view I have of the drama I see no inconsistency or disingenuity that can be laid at Georgescu's feet, and the acts of government are exactly consistent with his challenge of their fraudulent claim to power. As I said, it looks like the Romanian government took examples from the US government that sought to weaponize it's duties into assaults on the electoral power of the American people, censoring their discussions, hiding evidence of fraud, and even crimes against humanity, in order to keep power, and continue to commit those crimes.
The fullness of time alone will reveal the truth, but today I have discerned no duplicity from Georgescu, and that of the Romanian government is glaringly obvious.
In regard to this I must note that Romania is a relatively small country in terms of it's impact on the empires acting on the world stage. In my reply above to the only Romanian I have any interaction with here, @ladyrebecca, I posted a short PDF by Sir John Glubb, two dozen pages of comparative reckoning of empires across three millennia of history.
I strongly recommend that brief exposition with an eye to contrasting Romania from the USA and the EU. It will take far less time to read than the hour long video of Fuellmich interviewing Georgescu does to watch, and while only addressing generally issues impacting such correction, that generality reveals the specificity of issues aren't differentiation of the consequences of their occurrence. Imperial eminence and interregnum generate unique specifics that ineluctably follow identical patterns and powers of disturbance of polities, just as all organisms uniquely form from conception to maturity yet all follow a general pattern of birth, growth, senesence, and death.
I was quite skeptical at first, as I barely knew his name, but he speaks sense so far. I don't want to think of possible future disappointments at this point. It's just too much.
Intended chaos everywhere. More and more countries will come under martial law. My country: vast parts of the population not realizing what will come but already sniffing it, thinking that they can vote by the usual parties, which will lead us further into crisis. Seemingly, that is what we deserve, though I think, I don't. LoL
I don't think anyone deserves the blood and chaos that is crushing the people of Syria today at the hands of the ISIS terrorists Israel, the USA, and Turkey have unleashed on them. Both Germany and the US are under occupation by hostile foreign adversaries today, and none have suffered more than Germany from that occupation.
Three months ago, we had three elections in East Germany. After the votes were counted, further proceedings were massively sabotaged because the opposition had won around thirty per cent in two of the federal states and only one or two per cent below the established party in another. Only one of the federal states succeeded in constituting itself, in the other two the parliament has still not been able to get going, even though the elections took place in September. The level of disruption, obstruction, small and big games played by the political bloc (all other colours) is shocking. Every bureaucratic trick you can think of has been used.
What do you call it when something is right on paper but wrong in spirit? I am searching for an apt description.
Anyway, in order to change our devastating course, we would need a landslide in the up coming election. But I am afraid, we Germans are not that good in copying this type of behavior from you guys in the US. Even though we copied everything else. We are still a little behind you when it comes to the visually visible decay for all eyes. It takes time for such wealthy citizens as ourselves to finally acquire a look, smell and atmosphere in our own country that will become apparent to the last fool.
I remember being in the US in the mid 90s and was told that Palm Springs was one of the richest areas at the whole west coast. But then I walked through the streets in P. Desert and watched the electric lines in this wealthy neighborhoods in disbelief. The pylons were askew, the cables messily fumbled together, as if the whole thing dated back to the last century. The promenades in Los Angeles gleaming, but barely a few hundred metres away the feeling of no longer being on safe ground. Dirty, neglected and somehow lifeless.
A friend of mine, who had a problem with his knee, was given a pair of crutches, which once again made my jaw drop: they were the kind of crutches we only knew from black and white photographs, the kind you put under your armpit. Really hurtful to walk around with. Out of pity, we ordered some German high tech crutches for him, where he could rest his elbows conveniently on.
All in all, the impressions we Germans gained, while visiting our American friends, was, that they were much more unfree then we were back then – an astounding observation for us! We insulted our buddies in saying that out loud and in particular a friend of mine, who emigrated there.
I was seeing numerous sites and was on numerous events where I sensed an unfreedom of your citizens.
Altogether, those were signs that something was not in order. That despite the glitz and the great facades, there was something to be felt underneath. We always sensed that when visiting and maybe we talked in such nasty ways because we knew, the same thing will happen to ourselves, but could not grasp they why and how.
In any case, even if an election turns out the way one prefers (to gain time, for example), we can see how it goes. The outgoing government does what it wants. And it is doubtful that the new incumbents will have less trouble or cause less trouble themselves.
We for sure will face very very hard times. The Germany we know it, is over. I wonder how I will cope with that. And even though I am for the opposition, I also estimate that they, too, will eventually become the same. Since politics is such a rotten game. If they do not something radically different. For that, they need more brave people. Perhaps, it is not so bad, after all, that we have many foreigners here and they bring a bit more of a traditional habit with them. LoL, I must say. Since so called right wingers are in fear of the aliens, I am having good relationships to people from other countries. Of course, it is an irony that our streets were full of Syrians who celebrated that Assad was besieged, disturbing the Christmas market, mocking us openly. One must differ between each and every folks.
I appreciate your eyewitness report. As bad as it was in the 90s, it has got worse here since then. I live in a very rural area of quaint villages, so it's largely missed us here, but I dread having to go to the cities.
No, but I don't think he can deny that Putin has taken part of it from the West fair and square, inch by bloody inch. Nor can he deny that Putin will take the whole country, inch by bloody inch, if the war keeps on. So, he has to put an offer on the table that is potential to convince Putin not to take all of the Ukraine, which Putin will do in time if he doesn't stop. What he can offer Putin to stop is to remove sanctions - but in four years the next President can just impose new ones - so there needs to be something more substantial and enduring. Clay is forever, and Putin is definitely not an idiot like Yeltsin.
What Trump can offer is trade. Creating a trading network enables prosperity across the board, for all the players, and splitting the world into have and have-nots is destroying it, causing the have-nots to come after the haves, and the haves to rob the have-nots harder, driving rampant and disruptive immigration, horrific sex trafficking, etc. There are factions that profit from these crimes against humanity, like the Biden administration and the deep bureaucratic state, CIA, ADL, child sex trafficking/blackmail operations like Chabad Lubavitch, and so forth. A global trade network and sound money cut the legs out from under those criminal organizations and feed global commerce to different players, a much wider base of players, and eliminates the commercial fiefdoms that have formed under Obama.
Trump is a hard core Zionist, which makes it extremely hard to believe he'll undercut Mossad's child sex trafficking and blackmail operations, but Epstein went down during Trump's first administration. We speak of Trump, Biden, Yoon, and etc., as if they actually were the deciders. They're just talking heads that represent organizations and networks that feed them their lines. While that's the reality, we can only see the fearless leaders, so we can only really discuss the Great Men and not the actual gangs jostling for power in the background. All that being said, we'll see if he can deliver what his cult following thinks he will.
Trump cannot give what he does not have. Putin has taken and will take what the West has made a weapon against Russia and then cannot defend against Russia. I do not recall Trump doing any of that, which I have seen evidence Obama used Biden and Kerry to do.
Is there any way Trump can stop Putin from taking the Ukraine that was weaponized against the Russian people by the CIA coup and years of terrorist attacks on the families of Russian people living in the Ukraine?
Are there parrallels between what has happened in the Ukraine and what has happened in E. Asia? I have not seen any countries in E. Asia committing terrorist acts against the families of the Chinese. Neither any coups have been fomented by the CIA there, at least not lately.
China can demand anything it wants. Can it make them happen? We shall see.
Are there parrallels between what has happened in the Ukraine and what has happened in E. Asia? I have not seen any countries in E. Asia committing terrorist acts against the families of the Chinese. Neither any coups have been fomented by the CIA there, at least not lately.
People in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan believe that China wants to expand into the Pacific. Many East Asians believe that if the United States wastes all its war weapons and money in Ukraine, China will be unstoppable.Dear @valued-customer !
Many Koreans claim that the United States wasted its national power in Ukraine because it was supported by Chinese capital.
Many Koreans, who are supported by Chinese capital, now claim that the United States has wasted its national power in Ukraine.
They argue that the current U.S. military is unable to defend Korea and Taiwan from Chinese invasion because it lacks weapons and equipment.
Thank you for kind answer!
I'm planning a trip to the US next year and I pray to God that I have the good fortune to meet you!😃
As things stand now, he will not be allowed to run. Things can change only when Trump comes in office.
Trump would only become a reliable partner if he arranges a meeting with all east anti-EU European nations and cooperates with them to end the madness people have been befallen with. Otherwise, it seems, there is no hope for us Europeans to escape what awaits us. We here in Germany will elect, so God will, in February, but it is estimated that the same old party will have more votes than the opposition and that the same old coalitions will be formed, which then will fight each other and block themselves from governing. While 20-30 percent of people voting the actual opposition will face again the so called "Brandmauer" against the party. We must obviously learn through pain.
Now, I don't think that Trump is as much interested in Europe and since he is also distracted by crisis in the US themselves, I don't think such an approach seems to be realistic. We are on our own. The sooner we get that, the better.
FrEe AnD dEmOcRaTiC!
The mask is falling everywhere.
Many of us have been unable to pierce the veil that has been drawn over our eyes from birth, but with the help of our fellows, people like Calin Georgescu, who have seen through the deception that is inflicted on humanity, more and more of us are able to do the same. This is an apocalypse, a revealing time. It has also the potential to be a cataclysm, a destructive time, and that is what is intended by our enemies who have practiced to deceive us all our days, but it will be the preface to an enduring paradise as has been long prophesied by wizened seers of ancient days, because the revelation humanity gains will encourage us to be forthright with one another and build together that world that will best benefit our posterity. As the mask falls from our deceivers, we gain the power of understanding and the simple truth that working together as free and just people will best enable our beloved sons and daughters to prosper in the world we deliver them, that they will deliver to their posterity, will be understood by all. We will prevail in our efforts to build civil society on that simple basis that is in harmony with the hearts and minds of all humanity and the laws of the universe, facilitating our best fruition and preventing our suppression and subjugation in perpetuity.
so marvellous how the countries in europe are turning against the entrenched power structures people are revolting against. especially those countries physically closer to russia.
whether organic or not, there are definitely new tendencies appearing on the world stage. let us hope it is for the better and the people get a genuine win for once
It sure seems like the closer to Russia they are the more likely they are to get dragged into WWIII. I'm very against that myself.
@valued-customer, I paid out 0.599 HIVE and 0.194 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.
Wow, that's really interesting! Good that the current president will stay on until the next guy is sworn in. Do they think the results will change if the election is postponed? Or maybe that will give them time to rig something? Yikes! Crazy.
Well, the report that police had surrounded his home suggest the latter, that they intended to achieve what the Biden administration had only attempted to do to President Trump, which is safely ensconce him in jail where he could be prevented from taking any action or making any statement contrary to the wishes of criminals with the keys to power.
It is obvious to me that across the West governments have suffered the full effects of infiltration by the weaponized WEF trained traitors that Klaus Schwab claimed back in 2017, and the best of the West are tinpot dictatorships today that make actual dictatorships like El Salvador look like paragons of democracy and freedom in comparison.
I would be foolish to go all-in on any of the current politicians who seem to be acting on behalf of the public and going against the organised criminals who currently help run the world order. However, I am forever hopeful and want to believe the likes of Trump, Musk, and This Romanian example, have realised that their legacy and success could actually be better served if they are to become “the people’s champ” and strive for a truly better world. I stand by and wait to be disappointed.
You are absolutely right to note that only fools rush to judgment and unreservedly support rhetoric without first ascertaining if there is any substance to it. Discernment is the charge the wise are fairly assigned, and the record of our enemies is strewn with examples of insuperable assertions notoriously insubstantiable, and these are as easily swatted away as flies. But Calin Georgescu presents a different mien, a career of exemplary service arrested suddenly by his discovery of the blackmail suffered by institutions and people in power. I have but scant familiarity with him, and his career, or his country, people, and the legal foundations of the republic for which he stands, but it is impossible to assign credibility to the assertions of the institutional power of media and government arrayed against his candidacy, and the statement of the favored opponent in that election starkly reveals it's void of substance.
IMG source -
This from the career media presenter favored by the powers that presently rule Romania who was projected to lose the election that was called off. Additionally, the sitting President issued a statement he said was 'for NATO', assuring them that Romania was a reliable ally, that Romania wasn't 'in trouble'.
From the distant view I have of the drama I see no inconsistency or disingenuity that can be laid at Georgescu's feet, and the acts of government are exactly consistent with his challenge of their fraudulent claim to power. As I said, it looks like the Romanian government took examples from the US government that sought to weaponize it's duties into assaults on the electoral power of the American people, censoring their discussions, hiding evidence of fraud, and even crimes against humanity, in order to keep power, and continue to commit those crimes.
The fullness of time alone will reveal the truth, but today I have discerned no duplicity from Georgescu, and that of the Romanian government is glaringly obvious.
Until I read your post I knew nothing of Georgescu. I’m now looking forward to watching the video within your post.
The comments made by his opposition are intriguing. Maybe the world is beginning to correct itself. Like you said, time will tell…
Thanks for the info 👍
In regard to this I must note that Romania is a relatively small country in terms of it's impact on the empires acting on the world stage. In my reply above to the only Romanian I have any interaction with here, @ladyrebecca, I posted a short PDF by Sir John Glubb, two dozen pages of comparative reckoning of empires across three millennia of history.
I strongly recommend that brief exposition with an eye to contrasting Romania from the USA and the EU. It will take far less time to read than the hour long video of Fuellmich interviewing Georgescu does to watch, and while only addressing generally issues impacting such correction, that generality reveals the specificity of issues aren't differentiation of the consequences of their occurrence. Imperial eminence and interregnum generate unique specifics that ineluctably follow identical patterns and powers of disturbance of polities, just as all organisms uniquely form from conception to maturity yet all follow a general pattern of birth, growth, senesence, and death.
I was quite skeptical at first, as I barely knew his name, but he speaks sense so far. I don't want to think of possible future disappointments at this point. It's just too much.
Intended chaos everywhere. More and more countries will come under martial law. My country: vast parts of the population not realizing what will come but already sniffing it, thinking that they can vote by the usual parties, which will lead us further into crisis. Seemingly, that is what we deserve, though I think, I don't. LoL
I don't think anyone deserves the blood and chaos that is crushing the people of Syria today at the hands of the ISIS terrorists Israel, the USA, and Turkey have unleashed on them. Both Germany and the US are under occupation by hostile foreign adversaries today, and none have suffered more than Germany from that occupation.
I really hope we're wrong about what's coming.
Three months ago, we had three elections in East Germany. After the votes were counted, further proceedings were massively sabotaged because the opposition had won around thirty per cent in two of the federal states and only one or two per cent below the established party in another. Only one of the federal states succeeded in constituting itself, in the other two the parliament has still not been able to get going, even though the elections took place in September. The level of disruption, obstruction, small and big games played by the political bloc (all other colours) is shocking. Every bureaucratic trick you can think of has been used.
What do you call it when something is right on paper but wrong in spirit? I am searching for an apt description.
Anyway, in order to change our devastating course, we would need a landslide in the up coming election. But I am afraid, we Germans are not that good in copying this type of behavior from you guys in the US. Even though we copied everything else. We are still a little behind you when it comes to the visually visible decay for all eyes. It takes time for such wealthy citizens as ourselves to finally acquire a look, smell and atmosphere in our own country that will become apparent to the last fool.
I remember being in the US in the mid 90s and was told that Palm Springs was one of the richest areas at the whole west coast. But then I walked through the streets in P. Desert and watched the electric lines in this wealthy neighborhoods in disbelief. The pylons were askew, the cables messily fumbled together, as if the whole thing dated back to the last century. The promenades in Los Angeles gleaming, but barely a few hundred metres away the feeling of no longer being on safe ground. Dirty, neglected and somehow lifeless.
A friend of mine, who had a problem with his knee, was given a pair of crutches, which once again made my jaw drop: they were the kind of crutches we only knew from black and white photographs, the kind you put under your armpit. Really hurtful to walk around with. Out of pity, we ordered some German high tech crutches for him, where he could rest his elbows conveniently on.
All in all, the impressions we Germans gained, while visiting our American friends, was, that they were much more unfree then we were back then – an astounding observation for us! We insulted our buddies in saying that out loud and in particular a friend of mine, who emigrated there.
I was seeing numerous sites and was on numerous events where I sensed an unfreedom of your citizens.
Altogether, those were signs that something was not in order. That despite the glitz and the great facades, there was something to be felt underneath. We always sensed that when visiting and maybe we talked in such nasty ways because we knew, the same thing will happen to ourselves, but could not grasp they why and how.
In any case, even if an election turns out the way one prefers (to gain time, for example), we can see how it goes. The outgoing government does what it wants. And it is doubtful that the new incumbents will have less trouble or cause less trouble themselves.
We for sure will face very very hard times. The Germany we know it, is over. I wonder how I will cope with that. And even though I am for the opposition, I also estimate that they, too, will eventually become the same. Since politics is such a rotten game. If they do not something radically different. For that, they need more brave people. Perhaps, it is not so bad, after all, that we have many foreigners here and they bring a bit more of a traditional habit with them. LoL, I must say. Since so called right wingers are in fear of the aliens, I am having good relationships to people from other countries. Of course, it is an irony that our streets were full of Syrians who celebrated that Assad was besieged, disturbing the Christmas market, mocking us openly. One must differ between each and every folks.
Enough. I did not say anything new, I guess.
I appreciate your eyewitness report. As bad as it was in the 90s, it has got worse here since then. I live in a very rural area of quaint villages, so it's largely missed us here, but I dread having to go to the cities.
Dear @valued-customer !
Do you think Trump will hand Ukraine over to Putin?
No, but I don't think he can deny that Putin has taken part of it from the West fair and square, inch by bloody inch. Nor can he deny that Putin will take the whole country, inch by bloody inch, if the war keeps on. So, he has to put an offer on the table that is potential to convince Putin not to take all of the Ukraine, which Putin will do in time if he doesn't stop. What he can offer Putin to stop is to remove sanctions - but in four years the next President can just impose new ones - so there needs to be something more substantial and enduring. Clay is forever, and Putin is definitely not an idiot like Yeltsin.
What Trump can offer is trade. Creating a trading network enables prosperity across the board, for all the players, and splitting the world into have and have-nots is destroying it, causing the have-nots to come after the haves, and the haves to rob the have-nots harder, driving rampant and disruptive immigration, horrific sex trafficking, etc. There are factions that profit from these crimes against humanity, like the Biden administration and the deep bureaucratic state, CIA, ADL, child sex trafficking/blackmail operations like Chabad Lubavitch, and so forth. A global trade network and sound money cut the legs out from under those criminal organizations and feed global commerce to different players, a much wider base of players, and eliminates the commercial fiefdoms that have formed under Obama.
Trump is a hard core Zionist, which makes it extremely hard to believe he'll undercut Mossad's child sex trafficking and blackmail operations, but Epstein went down during Trump's first administration. We speak of Trump, Biden, Yoon, and etc., as if they actually were the deciders. They're just talking heads that represent organizations and networks that feed them their lines. While that's the reality, we can only see the fearless leaders, so we can only really discuss the Great Men and not the actual gangs jostling for power in the background. All that being said, we'll see if he can deliver what his cult following thinks he will.
Dear @valued-customer !
If Trump gives part of Ukraine to Putin, China could demand that the US divide Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.
I hope your health and long life!
Trump cannot give what he does not have. Putin has taken and will take what the West has made a weapon against Russia and then cannot defend against Russia. I do not recall Trump doing any of that, which I have seen evidence Obama used Biden and Kerry to do.
Is there any way Trump can stop Putin from taking the Ukraine that was weaponized against the Russian people by the CIA coup and years of terrorist attacks on the families of Russian people living in the Ukraine?
Are there parrallels between what has happened in the Ukraine and what has happened in E. Asia? I have not seen any countries in E. Asia committing terrorist acts against the families of the Chinese. Neither any coups have been fomented by the CIA there, at least not lately.
China can demand anything it wants. Can it make them happen? We shall see.
Be well and free, my friend.
People in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan believe that China wants to expand into the Pacific. Many East Asians believe that if the United States wastes all its war weapons and money in Ukraine, China will be unstoppable.Dear @valued-customer !
Many Koreans claim that the United States wasted its national power in Ukraine because it was supported by Chinese capital.
Many Koreans, who are supported by Chinese capital, now claim that the United States has wasted its national power in Ukraine.
They argue that the current U.S. military is unable to defend Korea and Taiwan from Chinese invasion because it lacks weapons and equipment.
Thank you for kind answer!
I'm planning a trip to the US next year and I pray to God that I have the good fortune to meet you!😃