Fixing the Border

in #life9 months ago

People are wrangling over a variety of propositions that might somehow control the border, across which tens of millions of people - mostly military aged men from countries the West has shattered with decades of terrorist attacks - have managed to arrive in America (while our politicians produced a bill that gave ~$100B to war displacing more migrants in the Ukraine and Gaza).

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There's walls and razor wire, drones and thermal imaging, patrols and posses, troops on land, in the water, and in the air, all for tracking and capturing people that come across the border.

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Well, these are all efforts to stop something that is happening for a reason(s). Like flashing a wad of cash in a dark alley, and then trying to not be mugged, America is causing the problem.

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The hordes are coming to America for the good life.

The hordes will stop coming if they can't get the good life by coming here illegally. No free medical care, anchor babies, driver's licenses, jobs, insurance, EBT cards, or any of the economic benefits American civilians enjoy. This isn't a new thought. Back in the Great Depression, as bad as things were in the USA they were worse south of the border, and as few such benefits as existed then, they were what people were immigrating illegally here to get. When those economic advantages weren't availed to illegal aliens, they quit coming.

"...any migrant, temporary or permanent, could be deported if they became a public charge."

During the Hoover administration, that was how illegal immigrants were controlled. If they didn't have gainful employment, became a public charge, a welfare recipient in other words, they were deported.

It's easy to stop illegal immigration. Quit paying them to come here. Problem solved.

That's been known for a century. So solving the problem isn't the problem. The real problem is why the USG, all our representatives, candidates, government agencies and agents are CAUSING the problem. Why are they turning the US border into a simulacrum of the Indian border with Pakistan, pictured above? Why are they giving illegal immigrants cash payments, cell phones, and housing them in schools they kick American students out of? Why are they creating problems they'll offer to solve by tracking all of us, forcing biometric ID, surveilling all our bank accounts, telephone calls, and comments to the local school board?

That's the border problem. America is being turned into a police state. Illegal immigrants are a biological weapon our government is using on us to force us to submit to totalitarian tyranny.


You might want to bump that percentage up a little, or most of the votes will round down.
For sure any on comments that don't get a later vote.


I thought .02 was sufficient. Could you better explain?

Votes of .019, and less, still round down.
Ergo, giving a vote of less than 2.0 is giving it to trending because it will round down.
The value of your vote varies across how many votes you've made in the last week, how many votes whales have made in the last week, hive value, and your voting mana at the time of the vote.
It goes up and down after you cast it and only at payout is its final value tallied.

If a vote comes in after that raises the payout above the cutoff then it will pay, but if the vote is on its own, it rounds down, and that value goes to trending.

Better to raise your percentage to give a 2.1 or higher value in order to insure that your value pulls from the pool and not increase it, imo.

I bumped it up 5 pts. I like to vote for folks that do me the courtesy of commenting or replying to me. I vote lots, as a result. Since I am here daily, I tried to find a percentage that would enable my VP to recharge daily but still kept me above the threshold. I hope 30% does both.

Thank you.

Yes, I have to do the same.
Upping the percentage, and voting less, is better than giving hp to people that already have game breaking amounts, imo.
Thanks for giving that your attention.
The rest of us appreciate it.

That's the border problem. America is being turned into a police state. Illegal immigrants are a biological weapon our government is using on us to force us to submit to totalitarian tyranny.

Are you saying that the U.S. government is intentionally creating a problem of illegal immigrants?
What is the solution?
