Government by We the People

in #life6 months ago

We, the People of the United States of America, rule ourselves. We are sovereign, just like any king or queen that ever lived, or any nation or state that calls itself sovereign and defends it's borders - and that right - with jealous force. All the force that it can muster defends it's sovereignty, that it not become slaves to another because that would extinguish their sovereignty.

That's what sovereignty is: freedom. Not being someone elses property. Not being a slave. Sovereignty has prerequisites, such as majority, compos mentus, and the ability to defend one's sovereignty. Those attributes are part of being sovereign, like the human body is part of the human being. If enough of those parts are missing, the being doesn't exist. Sovereignty is the same way, and without the right to defend oneself, sovereignty doesn't exist.

Accordingly the Constitution attempts to avail Americans of nominal mechanisms to rule America. In 1789, before electricity was in common use, before the internal combustion engine was fueled with oil, before the cotton gin, the telephone, or the airplane were invented, the best way they could come up with to enable Americans to run America was for them to elect representatives that could be counted on to represent the people that elected them to that office of power and profit. After all, government officials have always enriched themselves at the public trough. Long before your senator was corrupt every petty noble and military attache was on the take.

Clearly, the propensity to corruption was anticipated by Thomas Jefferson and his fellows that drafted the documents authorizing American government, but representation was they best they had. Americans were just too spread out and too busy living to spend their days in Washington, D.C. like professional politicians. There was no way they could talk to one another in real time over the vast distances separating them. There was no way they could vote themselves on legislation, no way to print all that paper, tally all those votes; no effective way to enable Americans to directly rule America.

That's not really true today though, is it? I have long noted that Hive meets all the requirements for a mechanism that enables it's users to rule themselves, including were it to replace the USG entirely. Not only can we discuss in real time, with all our conversation preserved in perpetuity by the blockchain, but we can vote on proposals, and provide funds directly for implementation of policies. Seems to me Hive is a damn sight better than corrupted representatives and fraudulent elections for ruling ourselves, in fact.

IMG source - antisocialist

Earlier today I commented on a meme posted by @antisocialist, and responded to another commenter there that said we elected our representatives, and I disagreed with that, too.

"It is difficult to deny that voters validate our deeply fraudulent elections. However, it is also difficult to blame them, because it is a deeply disputed issue in which every possible side has deliberately misled everyone. Poisoned wells are not safe to drink from, so my assessment is that the very fact election dissent is infiltrated and false narratives disseminated - even trumpeted - by official propagandists demonstrates US elections are fraudulent.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Fraudulent elections cut the strings between the righteous puppeteers and what should be their puppets, our elected officials, and this is not a light and transient thing, but the destruction of representation, which was a primary reason Americans founded America to begin with.

"Thos. Jefferson's revolutionary schedule recommendation (that about every 20 years government would need a revolutionary makeover) has been long ignored, and perhaps the exigency we find ourselves in today is a result of too much prudence and too little righting. We have but to look to England to see what havoc we'd be suffering today had our revolutionary founding father's not abolished the monarchy by force of arms and bloodshed. They did so that we would have representation, and not be ruled by the rich and powerful that grant themselves titles of nobility and divine right to enslave us. To be worthy of the blood and bullets our forefather's shed to get that representation, we need to keep it.

"We have lost it today. If we're not to remain slaves of our betters, we need to get it back, and the sooner the better. Looking at England we see the lack of representation there makes things worse the longer it lasts. English subjects are being captured and caged for years because they gesticulate and speak to police disrepectfully. I read today that mere presence at a riot engenders guilt of rioting, even if you were just watching, according to some high born judge in England.

"I disagree that punishing a population is just, and note that it is considered a war crime by the ICJ. I'm pretty sure English law says somewhere that the English can only be convicted of a crime they actually committed, rather than one they merely saw, which means that the disarmed and hapless English people have no means of resorting to force of arms to prevent the government from committing criminal tyranny against them, and that is sure what that judge is doing.

"A couple years back Sen. Brian Boquist of Oregon fled the capitol and the Governor of Oregon ordered the Oregon State Police to arrest him and force him onto the senate floor to create a quorum so that legislation could be passed (which is what Boquist was preventing by fleeing the capitol). Boquist has been a military contractor, and was captured and held in Iraq while fighting there. He held a press conference when the governor's order to have him arrested came to his knowledge and stated that he had been a political prisoner before, and if the Oregon State Police intended to arrest him and make him a political prisoner in America for serving his community as a state senator, they'd better only send bachelors and make sure they were heavily armed, because he was heavily armed and would not allow himself to be taken prisoner.

"That's why we need representation, and why we have a codified right to keep and bear arms that government is prohibited from infringing by the document that grants government it's authority. Infringing on that right to have guns to shoot government agents that seek to make us political prisoners removes the grant of authority government is availed by that document, because by infringing on our right to keep and bear arms government is voiding the document, leaving government without lawful authority, just as if Americans had no representation.

"That's two strikes already. I bet we can all count to three without any trouble."

If we don't want to be slaves to our betters, who are demanding we eat bugs and walk, owning nothing and being happy - or else - already, we should update the technology of government and better serve America by enabling sovereigns to rule themselves. There's a couple things necessary to government of sovereigns that Hive wasn't designed to provide, and some things that are done wrong on Hive that would not be acceptable to a government of sovereign individuals. There are also things Hive technology makes possible that have not before been possible, such as enabling people to change their minds, to only provide their own personal funds to government and not obligate others, in addition to being able to govern from anyplace with internet, to have one's statements preserved in perpetuity, and securely vote electronically.

Seems to me that Hive is a good example of infrastructure sovereigns can use to rule, and I reckon a few dozen forks would probably cover most of us reading this. Which brings up another thing Hive can enable sovereigns to attain, which is to only authorize such government as they presently intend. You don't have to be a member of a government you don't want to be in, if there's a few forks to choose from, and the ability to fork off a personal bespoke fork that can interoperate with others at your whim, should they tolerate your embassy.

Government all over the world has gone awry, and when governments go awry people suffer tyranny, war, and every kind of hardship men can inflict. Humanity is in dire exigency globally today because of the failure of crude government that fails to enable sovereign people to rule themselves with the best technology available to do it. Very little we do daily is so antiquated and inefficient as governing ourselves, and it is obvious that sovereignty is the most important undertaking we have, arguably far more important than brushing our teeth or chatting with our mother in law. Yet the tools we use to do those things have improved for centuries while the governance technology we use to exercise our sovereignty is pre-industrial revolution.

It's about time to upgrade to America 1.0 and get this baby out of beta.


Dear @valued-customer !

There is a growing theory among East Asians that a new civil war could break out in the United States. What do you think?😯

War is the most profitable industry that is possible. Warmongers roam about roaring in their bloodlust, seeking whom they can devour, seeking profit. Everything about war is profitable. Taking land, enslaving armies, making weapons, armor, food, uniforms, and everything else that warfighters must have or die. Spies, satellites, and encryption. Then after the war everything needs to be rebuilt, and all that takes money, too. All of it takes massive amounts of money, and in Iraq pallets of $100 bills worth ~$2B just disappeared from the tarmac after being removed from the helicopter. No one knows who got them.

Well, maybe Dick Cheney knows, but he's not telling.

War is always on the tip of the tongue of the banksters. War is always coming.



The rule in court is if you don't claim your rights you don't have any.
This is why a lawyer will never question the jurisdiction of the court, he works for them before he works for you.

Liars and lawyers are almost undistinguishable.
