Japan's Vaccine Study Group Calls for Immediate Halt to modRNA Vaccines

in #lifelast year

Aussie17.com publishes video from Japan's Vaccine Study Group's Press Conference, held on January 11, 2024. The scientists report alarming findings that have prompted all of them to call for the immediate halt of modRNA vaccines because of unprecedented adverse side effects affecting every organ in the human body.

An excerpted 10 minute video with English subtitles shows the earnest professionals explaining that side effects are unavoidable with drug therapies, such as in cancer therapies in particular, but most side effects are predictable and can be easily quantified, enabling physicians to judge whether to continue that therapy or not. modRNA vaccines cause such a wide range of health issues, because they affect every organ in the body, that it is often impossible to quantify the harms, or even definitively assign them as adverse events from the vaccines. The breadth of issues and variety of harms resulting from the toxic lipid nanoparticles and spike proteins reaching every organ in the body make predicting the side effects impossible.

After reviewing the published literature they are so alarmed that they held this press conference before they prepare and publish their results to halt the administration of the medical interventions called Covid19 vaccines immediately to prevent anyone else from being harmed by them in the interim while their paper is finished and published.

These scientists also decry the disinformation and censorship campaign that is further muddying the issue, recommending officials promoting the jabs go back to middle school to learn basic knowledge of biology and medicine. The full 1 1/2 hour video from the press conference is included at Aussie17.com at the link above, and a link to the original site where the video is published is included there as well.

IMG source - Aussie17.com

Dr. William Makis has pointed out that ~10% of the deadly side effects are 'turbo' cancers, another ~10% neurological disease, ~10% are clots, and more than half the adverse events are cardiological. Dr. Peter McCullough has also published the same concerns regarding the wide variety and unprecedented variability of adverse health effects caused by the modRNA jabs, but focuses on heart disease as a cardiologist.

"The spike protein, now in 3400 peer-reviewed papers and growing, is proven to cause heart damage and myocarditis … The spike protein is physically found in blood clots, the largest blood clots that we’ve ever seen in clinical medicine.”

"Additionally, Dr. McCullough detailed a terrible observation he is seeing in his own clinical practice. He mentioned that before COVID-19, he had just seen two cases of myocarditis throughout his entire career. “Now, I am seeing myocarditis on a daily basis,” Dr. McCullough lamented."

Dr's Makis and McCullough are alarmed by the Canadian government's attack on doctors. Because Canada forced medical doctors to get the jabs, more than 90 of them have died. The survivors are hounded and driven from medical service if they dare to speak out about the harms caused by the Covid19 jabs.

Dr. Pierre Kory recently appeared on the Jimmy Dore Show where he pointed out an enormous increase in deaths caused by the modRNA injections, and also in an op-ed in The Hill.

Dr. Kory wrote in his op-ed:

"...“excess,” deaths... claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019. That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam.

"For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries.

"Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively."

Exacerbating the broad systemic adverse effects of the modRNA medical devices, the injections themselves are contaminated with foreign DNA, which were not present in the preparations granted EUA approval by the FDA. The manufacturers committed a bait and switch by providing different medical devices than gained approval.

Kevin McKernan et al. have found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold.”

Because of portions of SV40, a carcinogenic virus found in polio vaccines, being used in the modRNA genetic therapy devices called Covid19 vaccines, the DNA fragments are easily incorporated in a subjects genes, and can even be added to sperm or eggs and passed on to future generations. As with all mutations, most of the random insertions aren't tolerated by the cells, who commit apoptosis, dying rather than cause disease. However, some don't die and become cancers. There are also myriad unknown possible effects - and it isn't reasonable to exclude malice aforethought and specific results being effected that were concealed from the FDA in the attainment of EUA approval.

I long ago pointed out that Monsanto established the legal precedent that if they managed to insert DNA they owned the patent on into a farmer's crops, such as by dispersing pollen into the air that would fertilize the crops, they were owed royalty payments by the farmers, and by this means they seized many farms from farmers that were unable to pay whatever they demanded as royalty payments for their patented DNA. In the USA the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution excepts criminals convicted of a crime from the ban on slavery, and this sets a precedent that human beings can be lawfully owned as property in the USA if ordered by a court. If patented genes owned by Big Pharma and Bill Gates, who have numerous patents relevant to Covid19, are proved to be in a subject's DNA, the patent holders can demand royalty payments, and if not paid what they demand, can order the court to remand their property - now the subjects DNA in affected cells - to their custody and ownership. In other words, claim the infested individual as a slave.

Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo has called for a halt in the use of modRNA vaccines, and is acting to ban them in the state of Florida. Let's hope that is quickly followed with bans worldwide, followed by criminal charges and prosecutions of the criminals that have afflicted humanity with these dangerous genetic devices for fun and profit.


It was an evil plan from start. Worrying aspect also how fast the spike proteins spread on the entire population, also amongst the un-vaxxed.

Spike proteins may be able to be shed, but the lipid nanoparticles apparently do not, and the modRNA isn't able to direct the cells of the unvaxxed to produce spike. This suggests an immense qualitative and quantitative difference between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. A few trillion spikes shed on the unvaxxed is an incomparable pittance compared to the constant and durable production of spike by the cells of the vaxxed.


You're welcome. Luckily there is still a difference between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Still, me & my girlfriend (both un-vaxxed) observed that our bodies have longer recovery time after e.g. a cold than before the plandemic.

People are waking up... entire countries are waking up. History does not treat people who commit genocide very kindly.

It is difficult to understand why people would so gaslight themselves as to fall on their swords for the sake of committing atrocities. It's like they have no understanding of the history of the world, or believe themselves above it.


For fun and profit sums it up quite well in my opinion. Sadistic fun is what I think drives this insanity forward. It’s horrible.

They also want to implement precision agriculture and when mRNA vaccines are approved for livestock or even implemented into vegetables and fruits, we will have nothing to eat. Right now they say lettuce is the most promising vegetable regarding the "vaccine in the vegetables" idea. Well, just go pick up your mushrooms, and don't get shot by Vietnamese. You see, when I first heard of transhumanism, I thought, "Oh, they are such a small group, by the time they try to implement what they think to everyone, I'll be gone already." What I didn't took into account was that they are part of the technocratic movement and have all the money on the planet (well it does trickle some to the rest of the humankind, but it is just to avoid stepping on the rotting corpses).Well, it's the introduction of precision medicine (Tesla: "In your time you'll see horrors beyond your comprehension," and "By the year 2100 eugenics will be fully established", and https://www.nanowerk.com/nanomedicine.php. If you look up "A New Breed of Weapons for Modern Warfare – Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science" you'll see that gene therapy is a new breed of weapons and actually the vaccination program was part of a "worldwide military operation and an experiment" (aka human trial) lasting until the end June 2023, and they were also testing the "lethal dose". Well, they simply decided that the elite is to stay and the rest is to go. The next "pandemic" is scheduled from 2025-2028 (and new pandemic bonds already issued), while PCR test is like a thermometer with a volume knob -it's not a test that adheres to all 4 test requirements (objective, sensitive, reliable, predictable) - so it could be anything from nothing to anything and anything in-between, just look up videos from Karry Mullis the founder of PCR test and the documentary lecture Deadly Deception by Dr Robert E Willner from 1994

Things are going to get harder before they get easier. I appreciate the links, and will have at them as I am able.


Aussie17.com publishes video from Japan's Vaccine Study Group's Press Conference, held on January 11, 2024. The scientists report alarming findings that have prompted all of them to call for the immediate halt of modRNA vaccines because of unprecedented adverse side effects affecting every organ in the human body.

An excerpted 10 minute video with English subtitles shows the earnest professionals explaining that side effects are unavoidable with drug therapies, such as in cancer therapies in particular, but most side effects are predictable and can be easily quantified, enabling physicians to judge whether to continue that therapy or not. modRNA vaccines cause such a wide range of health issues, because they affect every organ in the body, that it is often impossible to quantify the harms, or even definitively assign them as adverse events from the vaccines. The breadth of issues and variety of harms resulting from the toxic lipid nanoparticles and spike proteins reaching every organ in the body make predicting the side effects impossible.

This is completely unknown news in the world where I live.Dear @valued-customer !

Anyone who spreads this shocking news will be sentenced to five years in prison for defamation, insult, and spreading false information!😨

Make sure that you do not get caught saving lives by providing the URL to the Aussie17 source, because that would be a crime and you would be oppressed by cruel overlords if you were caught doing that.

There's no point in risking your comfort just to save people's lives.


Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !

I agree with your argument!

US Right to Know has published a list of key articles from the last six months on this matter.
