Life or Death lie before us. It is Time to Choose.

in #life3 years ago

The first day of harsher tyranny in Slovenia is marked by dissatisfaction among drivers who cannot refuel their vehicles without a vaxpass.

This month I have become convinced by what I have seen and read that we are the generation that will create a world so much better than we have ever imagined that our posterity will rejoice long after they have forgotten who we are. The whispered promises we strain to understand, the veiled glimpses we have of the possibilities the technologies at our fingertips can bring to humanity are the stuff of prophecies.

Rather, what may be forthcoming from our labors is beyond biblical, unreported by ancient bearded savants, because in their most joyous visions of the blessings of a loving god, they could not even have understood the wonders that are about to become the powers of our hands.

While we peer through a fog of misery and grief today, as our peoples are enslaved, imprisoned, killed, and genetically altered by mocking tyrants, we can see routes to the end of disease, death, and every ill that has discomfited humanity. 3D printers deliver the ability to reproduce our injured limbs and organs, to sate us with fresh water out of thin air, and free us from supply chains, VATs, shipping costs, and even jobs and money.

Mesh networks enable us to speak unimpeded to one another, without anyone having the ability to prevent or censor us. Distributed ledgers provide means of securing and disseminating knowledge and property, again, without censorship or interruption. Aquaponics will avail our homes of nutritious food we grow ourselves, unpoisoned, without destroying natural wild lands. So much is coming into view today that we have long dreamed of, and more and better follow after.

Even flying cars. VTOL isn't a dream. Soon it will be easy to simply print a quadcopter at home. Decentralized means of production will end centralization, end parasitization of society by overlords, and end the havoc they wreak on our peoples and our world.

At the same time, a brutal totalitarian tyranny is being imposed. Indeed, I believe it is being imposed now because those who desire only to rule over us know they cannot do it if we gain the abilities at the tip of our fingers. For whatever evil reason, it is underway, and people are fighting and dying right now in the war to enslave all life to psychopathic monsters that laugh at our suffering.

A joint study by Harvard and MIT published in May 2021 proved mRNA alters DNA

In Slovenia people cannot buy fuel for their cars without the vaxpass. In France people have been prevented from buying food without the vaxpass. In Australia, the government is seizing homes, bank accounts, and children from people who refuse to take the deadly jabs and refuse the vaxpass. Tens of thousands of people have died, and are dying, from the experimental genetic therapy lying minions of oppressors force on them.

It is not hard to see that if we agree to be ruled by the mechanism of the vaxpass, we will no longer be free. Those that accept the pass will only be availed it's use from booster to booster - and there will never be an end to boosters. There will never be a right to travel, to eat, to speak, or anything at all that people have always had the unmitigated right to do, unless people are injected with whatever their masters demand, whenever their masters demand.

this video, and I here share it with you.Catherine Austin Fitts has long been a heroine of mine, and here she speaks with Dr. Joseph Mercola whom she regards highly, as do I. @lancewdetrick on Odysee shared

As humanity, this is the first or the last decision we will make that will determine whether we choose death and slavery, or life and freedom. Now is our time, people. This is what we were born for: to set our world on the path to happiness that our posterity will enjoy in good company as they build on the foundation of freedom and prosperity we leave them.

All we have to do to win is refuse to use the vaxpass. Every evil the evil intend depends on our submission. Without it, there can be no control grid, no bugpods, no jackbooted thugs demanding to see it on every street corner. All we have to do is not agree to be slaves. Without our compliance, our enemies cannot take from us everything we have ever owned, built, and will pass on to our heirs.

Easy Peasy.

This is what everything was all about all along. The brass ring, the greatest prize, the very stars of the heavens themselves, are within our grasp, and our enemies prepare the way for our victory.

Let's seize the day, today, and birth a new heaven and a new Earth for our sons and daughters, so that all humanity can rejoice at the gift of life forever.

We are the saviours we have been waiting for. We're here.

Let's get to it.




@tipu curate

I'm told I look fluffy. Don't have the glowing coals for eyes thing going on. But I will not comply just the same.


Hope we can escape from these deadly poison shots...