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RE: Valueplan Strategy

in #life2 months ago

When you hear back from bitbasel, please let me know their response. They're in Miami, which is definitely in FBI jurisdiction. I bet there's people on Hive in Florida that could scope things out there and see if there's a sub-event worth $25k going on.

Kinda sorry you're having to take this crap too. I appreciate not being the only target of this vitriol, though.



I sent them an email just now. I didn't do it yesterday due it being late for me requested information regarding this issue for transparency on whatever they can offer to show the funds are being used adequately and to present them to hive. I'll show you the email in matrix.

And don't sweat it, dealing with bad mouths is like dealing with a child. Just mock them with humor is the only remedy. They dig their own holes by themselves and this asshole is already waist deep.

Ok, I look forward to whatever we can learn.
