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RE: EU Coups Romania, Threatens to Coup Germany and France to Press World War III

in #life2 months ago

Genius move to jump on $Trump.

"They'll get who they want where they want when they want it. The votes of the public don't decide that."

You're right, even though they do get to vote. Somehow Georgescu wasn't whom he was vetted to be, and NATO panicked and showed how the sausage is made, pissing off their customers. Now, Romania is pissed off. Their meme country isn't a meme at all, despite NATO making it one, and they can do something about it. If elections don't work they can take actions in which, as they showed back in 1989, they have all the power. Pitchforks and torches still light politicians dipped in tar afire, and politicians still don't like it. I would not want to be President Iohannes in a month, or so.

The populations of Austria, Italy, France, Poland, and Germany are able to show up with pitchforks and torches too, and this show in Romania hasn't left them unscathed. Some of them have realized why their governments pretend to be complete idiots. You say that NATO will get WWIII when they want it. They won't unless they can sell it to the people, like was done in WWI and WWII. Right now the curtain has been pulled back and the Great Wizard pulling the levers releasing the smoke and twisting the mirrors has been revealed to be the money-grubbing NATO faction of the EU, and this is not psyopping the people of Europe into dying for their democracy.

Many times in prior generations, the psyops didn't work and Jacobins filled the gutters with the blood of nobles. In 1911 there were a thousand princes in Russia. In 1921 there were none. Romania may have been the undoing of the EU NATO faction, if that's what Trump wants it to be. I'm not saying Trump would be keeping promises out of patriotism. He might be seizing power while claiming to be keeping promises, eh?

We'll see is all I know.
