I am happy to see you citing Sachs, as he has proved a fearless and lucid commenter on matters geopolitical, from my view.
I fear Trump is a lifelong adherent of Zionism, and am completely confident he will advance Zionism afore all else, regardless of any other matters whatsoever, like his father before him. Whatever the Zionist preferred policy is, that will be Trump's policy. A glance at his cabinet is confirmation, as every single ministerial position is taken by a Zionist.
So, you can predict Trump's, and America's, foreign policy if you know Israel's.
Thanks again!
As far as the military and geopolitical analysts are concerned, Israel is defeated, just as Ukraine is defeated. Insofar as the US continues to pursue a policy that refuses to let go of the salt in its fist, it will leave both itself and Israel to a fate that isolates them. Where both countries have overextended themselves through wars and war spending respectively, and where the morale and economic situation at home has reached levels of impoverishment and brutalization, their rigid actions only cause the rest of the world to conduct and strengthen relations among themselves to the exclusion of the US and Israel.
As I understand the analysts, the only sensible thing for the US to do would be to withdraw all troops worldwide, since the Americans (as they say, the whole of NATO) firstly could not win a single peer-to-peer war and secondly need their forces at home. Sowing enmity has had its day because other powers see through it and are no longer impressed by it. US foreign policy has proven to be repetitively untruthful and its internal problems too obvious.
History is about to change and if the US misses this window of opportunity, it will make the situation worse for Israel and itself. Israel as a battering ram in the Middle East is seen by analysts as a failure. Too many enemies have been made. It caused chaos and within a state of chaos, no one can really plan or predict anything.
The fact that Trump helped Netanyahu to stay in office can be assessed differently, according to analysts. In their view, it means that Trump has secured Netanyahu's political office, but that his party will not survive the damage. That the ceasefire was all Trump wanted and that his admittedly inane statements regarding Gaza would be a consistent Trump strategy that manifests itself in Trump either making impossible demands that he knows from the outset the addressees cannot possibly fulfill. So that the rejection of the demands must inevitably take place due to the real conditions. Take Trump's demand that the EU states should spend five percent of their GDP on the military. They cannot. Nor is there a political will to do so.
One said: “If NATO had really been (or is) convinced that Russia is serious about expanding westwards, all NATO troops would have been on the ground in person long ago. The fact that they weren't shows that they don't really believe in this intention. They never believed in it because the real intention was to harm Russia and bring both Ukraine and Russia itself under control.
You can call it a messed up kind of thought process that wants to make those addressed realise the realities because of Trump's ridiculous statements and not because of their intelligent content. A resettlement of the Palestinians is practically impossible because there are over a million of them and because they don't want it. The neighbouring states don't want it (which Trump knows), so his crackpot statements ‘We own Gaza’ etc. are not really to be taken seriously. Since reality speaks against them.
Following the analysts and their judgement in this regard, I am not convinced that Trump is willing to pursue unconditional support for Israel at all costs. It seems to me that he actually does not want the killings to continue and that this is in conflict with other, less noble character traits of his.
It remains to be seen whether his reign will worsen the geopolitical situation or not.