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RE: DOGE Offense Bypasses Deep State Defenses

in #lifelast month

I was watching materiel production during the last couple years, and Russia produces more artillery shells in a month than the rest of the world produces in a year. I haven't seen anyone besides Russia ramping up production of war materiel, and most of Europe lost a lot of it's artillery, cavalry, and ammo in the Ukraine.

I think France literally has no artillery shells left, or very, very few.

Since you can't get all of Europe set on a national policy, Europe really needs to shed the EU, because it's a worthless layer of parasitism on production that no nation in Europe today can afford, without providing any useful services the majority of Europeans need - and it's couping your nations to turn them into cash cattle for NATO, and Europe won't long survive that corral.

The economic resilience of Russia has vastly outperformed EU states, and they weren't at war. I used to troll Poles by telling them 'You're next!' because they were all in on the NATO propaganda about the 3 day conquest of Kiev and were falling for the propaganda that Russia was losing, which, of course, they weren't and aren't. I was mad for a bit that Russia had actually got to Kiev in a couple days and the war was effectively over, but somehow Kiev talked them into withdrawing and BoJo talked Zelensky into reneging on the surrender he'd negotiated. That has cost ~1M lives, and that made me mad.

I do expect Trump to be able to resolve the war by parting out the Ukraine to end the problem that the USSR created when they cobbled it together out of bits and pieces of their neighbors. I think the neighbors would be happy to get their clay back they lost in WWII in order to leave Russia what it's won fair and square, and Trump has the power to make NATO do it.

IMG source - 4chan

The EU is backing off the Romanian coup now. Iohannis has resigned and Georgescu is really looking like he's about to become the President, and he'd snap that deal up in a hot minute, which signals the direction the EU is going to fall. Too often bad people succeed in concentrating power they've always dreamed of having, like Von der Leyen just has, and when they do they so undercut the entity they conquer that it loses what made them want it to begin with, and that's what I think has happened to the EU since Von der Leyen consolidated power.

She's so concentrated power over the EU in her hands, the EU is losing it's grip on it's member states, and Romania is just the first to slap her dirty mitts off. Germany and Poland are next. The people of Europe don't want to die in ditches, and I think they know if they don't break free of Von der Leyen's control, they will.


to end the problem that the USSR created when they cobbled it together out of bits and pieces of their neighbors.

What do you mean by that? Is it, that after the fall of USSR those parts of mixed speaking countries like Ukraine and the Baltics, who always had a high number of Russian speaking folks found themselves misplaced then and there?

It's quite a difficult situation, given the history and the long dating back of mixing people. My own ancestors were amongst those Westerners (Germans), invited by Katherine the Great, to settle in the vast lands of Russia, which for us was Ukraine. My mom and dad both were born there, as well as the grandparents from my moms side (my fathers side I am not sure about). They lived there for more than a hundred years before they were robbed by the Bolsheviks and chased off their property and the mill, my grandpa was running at that time. Which happened around 1929.

If it was not for these petty thieves, backed up by the red army and their revolutionist atrocities (murdering the Tsars family and killing whom they found to be too wealthy), calling it the "rise of the proletariat", while in fact all who took advantage of such allegedly grass root movement were lazy greedy thieves and murderers themselves, things may be different.

In my view, the revolution had nothing to do with our race but with low character traits of those who took advantage of unrest and chaos. Not seeing that my family and their fellow German people were not associated with aristocrats but as much peasants and hard working people as the Russian peasants. But no brotherhood is to be found between creators and thieves of such creation.

It doesn't fit into my brain - coming back to the present time - that my German fellas cannot make such distinction and even defend the existence of the EU. I guess, we Germans will be the last, not amongst the first, to break away from it, once we will be very close to the ditches, and only the bravery of the Eastern European nations will show us that it can be done. ... Maybe, after our total defeat in WWII, we Germans became a cowardly folk, wanting to cozy up with our victors in the West (the good daddy) and fearing those in the East, wanting to besiege them, after daddy told us they are evil. I don't know. I never had such negative emotions towards the US and Russia, since I think of people and not of terms.

Thank you for the archive excerpt.

"What do you mean by that?"

Lenin created the Ukraine in the 1920s.

"Thank you for the archive excerpt."

Dmowski was a prophet.

Germany has suffered more than I can conceive, honestly. I see the rise of the AfD against the will of the 'seasoned, rational voices' as indicative of Germany's recovery from the incomprehensible wounds it's been dealt for more than a century. It is because the EU cannot abide the AfD that I see it as preferred option of the Machiavellian masters of manipulation seeking to implement not the EU, but the NWO.

If they don't accommodate decentralization they can't achieve global technocratic totalitarian tyranny, oddly enough. Imperial polities like the EU and the US need to follow in the footsteps of the USSR, IMHO.

Not sure if I understood:

If they don't accommodate decentralization they can't achieve global technocratic totalitarian tyranny, oddly enough. Imperial polities like the EU and the US need to follow in the footsteps of the USSR, IMHO.

Can you explain? Do you mean we have to hit the ground hard before we can leave La-La-Land? I would agree, I am afraid.

Yes, AfD is the option which will maybe get things changed. There is a need for new kids on the block. They first have to deliver though, and I would be curious if they could. At least, give it a chance. All else means non governing and being over rolled by reality, as McGregor puts it.

"Can you explain?"

If a big gang wants to take over a new neighborhood, but there's some smaller gangs already holding that turf, the big gang must first get the smaller gangs out of the way. If one of the smaller gangs refuses to be folded into the larger gang, but can't be taken out by violence easily either, then the big gang can either give up, or turn to harder violence. What they cannot do is succeed at taking the new turf with that smaller gang in place.

The NWO is taking over the world. The US and EU need to either be absorbed into the NWO, or destroyed, for that to happen. Several states member in the EU, such as Hungary and Slovakia, are quite intent on resisting certain of the EU's policies, such as unrestrained immigration. The AfD's stated policy is against such immigration. Poland's PiS also has a strong anti-immigration streak, as do others. These Eastern bloc polities may well break the EU, but if not will make it considerably easier to break, with their concerted policies, and this will make the NWO's job easier, because a weaker EU will be an easier EU to absorb or destroy.

I see.
It is correct what you say, if you think in friend and foe patterns and make the world a map and its peoples its figures.

For my part, I do neither believe in a world order, nor in a new world order, since the world cannot be ordered by central means for an indefinite time, it's too big of a chunk. Though I do think that there are always forces at work which want control and those who want to resist such control. If resistance shall be neutralized, eliminated, destroyed, you must erase all of it, otherwise it will come back in one form or the other. Since this cannot be achieved in the long run, because if you kill or harm resisting individuals or groups, you produce at the same time their successors who want to take up the baton.

Which doesn't mean that you or I won't be negatively affected or that our children will be part of a resistance.

The place that each of us occupies, the influence that we as individuals exert on others, may be small and insignificant in comparison, but that is what matters nonetheless.

I do believe there is an serious effort to create a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny, and that it's principals are not capable of suitable reticence, despite their competence to aggrandize themselves. My understanding of the brutal banksters is that they have succeeded in the extant order of the world, which does exist with shortcomings notwithstanding, because of pathological features of their neurological functioning, that has made them capable of committing atrocities healthy people are incapable of.

I agree with you that they cannot succeed, perhaps for somewhat differing reasons.

Our parts we play in what is to come are all we can effect, and you are also correct that this is what we must attend to.