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RE: Government Agencies are Designed to Worsen Harm, from Transnational to State Levels

in #life4 months ago

This is often true. The corporate media serve the same masters politicians do, and convince the public there is merit in the rhetoric of politicians. Not until shelves are bare, roads wash away and aren't replaced after a storm, or armed conflict comes to their community does the pain cause them to confront the truth - and even then they never acknowledge they were wrong, because they weren't given the education that would enable them to be rational.

What they do when the pain hits it cry out for government - that has caused them the pain - to save them.

Government will not save them when government agents are using governments to destroy their communities. Not until the stupid ones are all dead will those capable of reason realize they need to save themselves, and that is when America will restore the rule of law by destroying the corruption that has enabled criminals to rule.