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RE: Dutch Court Orders Bill Gates to Appear in Person to Defend against Charges of Crimes Against Humanity

in #life4 months ago (edited)

"Americans don't punish those who tell the truth..."

This is no longer as true as it once was. The USA has law that is intended to protect truth tellers from the very persecution you have suffered, but I am sure you are aware of Julian Assange and his terrible suffering. The courage of Americans today produces an endless supply of people that blow the whistle (sound the alarm) on an even more endless supply of nefarious deeds, thefts, and corruption - but the whistleblower protection laws are notoriously more observed in the breach. This is why Ed Snowden fled the USA when revealing the illegal surveillance the US government has been conducting on Americans. It is now known that every communication is recorded, every telephone call, every text, email, and message Americans send is intercepted, copied, parsed with AI and analyzed by contractors and employees of the federal government.

These are blatant crimes. Yet the evildoers conceal the full extent of their crimes pretending it is a matter of national security. The horrific madness that overcomes some deranged people and causes them to murder children, little children in schools, has been shown to be linked to the FBI over and over again. The FBI do this to try to convince Americans to give up their personal arms, as armed people across the rest of the West have already done. America is run by criminal overlords. This is gangland.

America has a legacy of freedom that is a hollow shell today, and the venal persecution suffered by peoples where that legacy never existed is hiding in the shadows of law that guarantees freedom of speech and immunity from surveillance without lawful cause, and this criminal element gains more power daily, afflicting not only Americans, but humanity globally.

Do not be fooled into thinking such persecution does not exist in America. It does. There is still a courageous group of Americans that fights against it, and I am one of them, but I do so after having paid a far higher price than a fine. I have been enslaved and held in captivity for years, stripped of assets today worth more than $1m, left penniless on the streets and would have been naked but for clothes I was given I did not have means to buy, because I tried to reveal what criminals conceal.

I am lucky I was not murdered, as many are that threaten drug dealers wearing badges. People that oppose illegal surveillance, illegal immigration, election fraud, drug dealing, faulty products and the fake vax criminally blessed by regulatory agencies, arms dealing and criminal assistance to murderous, genocidal warlords slaughtering millions from the equator to the arctic, speak up every day, and increasingly are killed, falsely accused and framed for crimes they didn't commit, jailed and enslaved for years as I was, and the protestors of the 2020 election fraud have been worse, and more, robbed and beaten, left penniless and homeless, again, as I have been.

Empty words are no City on a Hill. That just liberty is not what you will find here. If you leave your homeland and people, leave your culture and traditions behind for rhetoric you will suffer worse than I have for your naivety. Please understand that America has been corrupted for many decades, for generations, and the America that existed when John F. Kennedy was elected President died with him, and what America is now is more like the USSR before it's collapse. While the priority of overlords here is less open, it is no less real than in the most repressive polity on Earth. The persecution, the surveillance, drug dealing, murders, the vax, these are all outwardly crimes that must be concealed - but the criminals run the government through deception, commit all those crimes in the darkness. The US military conceived of and funded Pfizer's creation of the Covid19 plandemic. That is the criminal government of America today. That outward guarantee of human rights inherent to people America still pretends to, that is only guaranteed by Americans sacrificially speaking the truth and being persecuted, as I have been, as Julian Assange has been, and as the Jan. 6th protestors are being persecuted today.

That is what people that want to make America great again want to fix, and why people support Donald Trump. They believe the false narrative that he isn't corrupt, that he will stop the wars America is pushing all across the world using proxies like the Ukraine and Israel, that he will return America to respecting human rights as our Constitution proclaims it must, but no longer does. They want to believe, while their opposition openly grovels to tyranny and corruption. Strife, perhaps war, is coming to American soil again. Do not come here expecting peace, justice, and the American way to await you.

If that is to be here again, we will have to forcibly end the tyranny that has replaced it. Words on paper defend nothing. Laws are meaningless drivel. What protects American freedom is force of arms criminals yet fear, because American civilians have more personal arms than all the military forces on Earth combined. America will not be great again until Americans use those arms to remove the criminals from power, and Donald Trump is one of those criminals, not our saviour. If you come here, that is what you will come to, a gangland ruled by criminals from the shadows, where the laws are lies, and the real power comes out of the barrel of a gun.