I think Trump will be against electric car production!
He is dependent on Elon Musk for his election as President, and Elon Musk owns Tesla, one of the biggest electric vehicle manufacturers on Earth. I do not think Trump will oppose electric vehicle manufacturing. I do not think Elon Musk agrees with me, and with the scientific evidence about atmospheric CO2, because a big part of his fortune comes from that climate scam that makes Tesla cars sell.
We will see, but I am sure Trump will not oppose the electric vehicle industry.
He most likely won't. But he doesn't have the plan to ban gas running cars, like our politicians do here. I will follow that up.
I'm watching the channels on yt that are connected to the administration and who were fighters in the campaign. It's pretty impressive and shows the American spirit that the Germans are very envious of. If they keep up their ambitions and realise what they promise, there could be some good results for you guys.
Dear my respected senior, @valued-customer !
Currently, automobile companies around the world are facing a crisis due to the increase in Chinese-made electric vehicles.
East Asian automakers are also currently facing a crisis due to Chinese cars. So, many East Asians speculate that Trump will try to reduce the production of Chinese electric cars by reducing subsidies for electric cars.
Thank you for kind reply!😃
The USA doesn't subsidize production of electric cars in China. If Trump seeks to reduce production of Chinese cars, his only means of doing so will be to further reduce sales of Chinese made cars in the USA, and as far as I know there are no Chinese made electric cars sold in America now. Given Trump's campaign rhetoric regarding taxes, in which he hinted at eliminating income taxes and making tariffs the sole vector for taxes funding the US government, I suspect any action from Trump to oppose Chinese production of electric cars will take the form of tariffs.
Many East Asians believe that Tesla, owned by Musk, provides China with the technology and capital to produce electric vehicles.Dear @valued-customer !
I agree with your assertion that Trump will impose tariffs on Chinese electric cars.
Thank you for kind answer!
off topic: I would like you to comment on my newest blog post. Maybe you have some critical points to raise.