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RE: Stargate to Hell: Why Larry Ellison is Lying About Surveillance

in #lifelast month

"Do you believe that Jewish Zionists control Trump?"

I believe Trump is one, so they agree.

"...there are many legal restrictions on individuals owning 3D printers."

That strongly suggests I am right about them, but aquaponics are no less important.



Trump isn’t a Zionist at all. He has no strong moral beliefs. He goes along with what benefits him. Which is likely the zionists.

Likely the case

We are definitely not in agreement on this. He's a dedicated Zionist, perhaps for the reason that his entire financial fortune is dependent on Zionist banksters, from Wilbur Ross of the Rothschild family. Regardless of why, in any issue that Zionism impacts, Trump can 100% be predicted to come down on the Zionist side of things, erry time.

I forget which video it was in that Kushner stated Trump sent him off to the UAE and then Saudi Arabia to start the process of the peace accord, which entailed him eventually getting a fifty billion dollar investment commitment from them to make Gaza into a import/export hub for energy into European and Asian countries. I think it was his interview at Harvard last year. I can look tomorrow if you want to know for sure, but he goes on praising what a wise great leader the UAE has, and later even MBS. The descriptive just falls short of envisioning him falling on his knees in great praise. Israel, on the other hand, is described as having to take Netanyahu and drag him across the ME after "someone" "figuratively" (he even does the stabbing motion while talking about it) stabbed him in the back to make him lose his coalition for re-election because he, like the Palestinians, refused to cooperate to get the Abraham Accord done before Trump left office. He actually even states he's telling him what the US needs him to do, and getting that done was very contentious. He even goes on to say that in his opinion, Netanyahu has been there for to long. He also said that Trump didn't expect him to come through, which was right up until they dragged him across the middle east the last couple weeks they were in office. He's such an idiot he didn't even realize what Netanyahu meant by momentum, meaning, despite his loss he knew he had to get back up and go do this to protect the people of Israel, meaning he felt he was the best person to go do this, which he was basically right because while he was out of office, those who stabbed him in the back got preliminary approval for Arab investors to take majority control of Israel's largest bank Phoenix, which held the majority of Israeli's retirement accounts. The preliminary approval came right before Netanyahu returned to office in a historic count of votes. My guess is that deal was going to be the investment mechanism used between Arab states and other foreign investors to invest in the Gaza project. When Netanyahu returned to office, regulatory approval was shot down on July 27, 2023, three months before the attack on Israel. There's always that bridge to far to consider, and even the Israeli citizens, imo, believed that. Part of that whole deal though was that an coalition of Arab states would take over security for Gaza. I mean really, why would you want to take a JV team and replace them with a much more formidable foe, especially one where, in SA case, were promised nuclear technologies out of the deal. I could go on and on, but you can listen for yourself to both those interviews, Time To Try Something New, Jared Kushner's interview with Al Jazeera and a Middle East Dialogue with Jared Kushner done at Harvard last year. But I am onboard with what you say, Trump doesn't have a moral bone in his body, and he'll do whatever benefits him.

One other vital component to all that, in my opinion, the mistake Netanyahu made was assuming the next administration would drop the whole Abraham Accord deal, that isn't how it turned out. The Biden administration was installed off a rigged election, not stolen, to carry out a lot of the Trump administration's agenda, he couldn't be seen as being a war mongering president.

The East Asian overlords ban individuals who own 3D printers because they can illegally manufacture guns. They claim that gun murders are common in the United States.Dear @valued-customer !

I have not heard that crack dealers are printing their firearms. They have other sources of firearms, such as buying them from thieves. The US doesn't have a firearms problem. It has a crack dealer problem.

The overlords of the world I live in claim that individuals can produce guns with 3D printers to commit terrorism and crime.

So, They place many legal restrictions on individuals owning 3D printers.

Sadly, they consider telling the truth about criminal acts a crime, when they are the criminals. For that reason alone you should have a 3D printer making fully automatic firearms all day, every day, to pass out to other oppressed victims of the criminals doing you evil.

But only because firearms are more productive of security than pitchforks and torches.

The fact remains that 3D printed firearms aren't a substantial contribution to crime here, or there either. Stolen firearms and firearms legally purchased from lawful manufacturers in the hands of gangs of thugs overlords use to conquer and control society are almost the only ones used in crimes. That's just what the evidence compiled by researchers shows, and your oppressors are just liars.

Sad. Very sad. Fortunately for you, we're all going to die. You are blessed by the hill that is available for you to die on doing what is righteous. I recently watched a video of a Japanese man that was complaining bitterly that it was very hard to die a good death anymore, that most people die of some filthy disease in bed. He would very much envy you your opportunity to die well. Personally, I disagree with his point, because there are so many hills that it is righteous to die on that you have to be pretty lazy or craven to die in bed anymore.

See you in Valhalla!

I hope we meet in heaven!😅

I don't believe in Valhalla!

The people of the Earth speak a variety of languages, and concepts and knowledge of our progenitors continue to be communicated through generations, hundreds of generations, of their posterity, which end up being stated in languages that diverge from their original language. Because of this, similar ideas and concepts are expressed in different words. It is difficult to differentiate between the same idea expressed in different words from different ideas expressed in different words.

I admire you because you seek to pierce that veil of ignorance that separates our peoples. The idea of Valhalla is that valiant warriors that fall in battle are feted in the afterlife. There are differences in details, but I will offer that same idea exists in Christianity, and in all religious faiths. There is more consonance in our principles than divergence, because people are more similar than they are different around the world.

The word translated as heaven in the original greek refers to that universe beyond the Earth which cosmology and astronomy discuss. That doesn't make them different things. It just is different discussions about what is referred to in different languages, from different perspectives. I suggest that admiration for the valiant is a universal attribute in all cultures, religions, and societies, and Valhalla and heaven can well be considered to be words referring to the same thing in different languages by different cultures that have maintained our common understanding in divergent ways over many, many generations.