"Have you heard of Body Area Network (Intra-Body Nano-Network/ by Mik Andersen? You should look into it. Or, La Quinta Columna research? Or, patent Cryptocurrency system using body activity data nr WO2020060606A1 or, how the vial of the vaccine forms an antennae if you put it onto a router?..."
Yes, I have heard and read about all these things, and more, as you go on to further elucidate. Even so, I am confident neither of us, despite our diligence and best efforts, has a full understanding of the weapons and harms being inflicted on us, and in the final analysis we will only succeed and survive these attacks by evil enemies through the actions of the creator of the universe and the application of the laws of physics that are the underlying mechanism of good, of perfect love, and the basis for reality that the ultimate evil that is attacking humanity now with the full force and intention to exterminate us from Earth and the universe for once and for all today cannot defeat.
Self replicating 'vaccines' - actually laboratory created man made viruses - are being administered today in Japan and Europe, at least, but because these are infectious viruses they have the ability to spread to every human being on Earth, no matter where they start from. I have posted in that document potential mitigations and cures that have been published to enable people to survive these infections with biowarfare weapons, and enable their beloved sons and daughters to be born natural human beings uninfected with these fatal weapons and existential threats.
"They want to drag all humankind into filth and sexual abuse..."
Yes. This is the true nature of evil, and naive good people aren't really capable of wrapping our heads around it, understanding how we are deceived by it, and are subjected to the incredible variety of harms and attacks intended to destroy us utterly and permanently, because we naturally project our own intentions and intellectual understandings on others, expecting them to be like ourselves. This is the natural socialization behaviour we have evolved to have, being social animals. Only some few that are competent to understand who and what we are have some glimmer of what is attacking us; that is not good, or naturally socialized, being mentally incompetent psychopaths that are incapable of proper socialization and seeing people as like themselves. Psychopaths can be incredibly intelligent, capable of horrible atrocities intended to manipulate us, and deceive us in every way imaginable, and even inconceivable ways.
But they aren't wise. Their broken brains aren't capable of attaining to proper socialization that is the function of our species to best increase our ability to achieve civil society, to advance scientific understanding, and create the prosperity and felicity that underlies joy and the blessings God or the laws of physics have designed us to attain. The narcissistic and self aggrandizing purposes of psychopaths aren't advancements, but horrific flaws that cause them to be destructive of the most beneficial and best mechanisms to attain to their best interests, and destroying humanity because of their overwhelming hatred and evil is their greatest achievement - and their utterly self-defeating flaw that will cause them to completely fail at everything they set out to achieve by their machinations and Machiavellian manipulations. Deception, duplicity, and fraud are diametrically opposed to the laws of physics, and because of this are not taking advantage of the power of conformance to those laws, but are in fact attempting to override or outmaneuver them, which is doomed to failure because the laws of physics will prevail in good and due time, without failure at all. They will inflict great harm and horrible suffering and death, but they will ultimately fail, and right now is the most complete infliction of evil they are capable of, the deliberate release of the laboratory created virus designed to kill us all, render us infertile, and infect our offspring with these afflictions. This is the ultimate attack of evil on humanity.
Mere human intelligence is utterly insignificant compared to the actual knowledge potential to the universe, and this confounds the most brilliant people humanity can possible produce, which the evil narcissists are incapable of understanding, because they are deranged, actually mentally defective, which their hubris simply makes them unable to grasp and compensate for.
While we do have to be exceptionally competent, capable of extraordinary understanding, or willing to follow those that are, to merit our survival and surpass the challenges to our survival and felicity we face today, it is our acknowledgement and adherence to the principles and factual reality of the laws of physics, our humility and acknowledgement of the superiority of the principles of good deeds and blessing one another, of proper socialization and helping each other survive, prosper, and benefit from real world cooperation, that will enable us to survive and surmount the challenges evil bastards do everything in their power to destroy us all with.
By cooperating and sharing our research into the evils we face, we together become competent as a society to surmount these challenges, and evil doers cannot truly act as a society, because each of them cares only about themselves in reality, and ultimately intends to betray the other evil psychos they try to work together with to destroy humanity and conquer the Earth. They cannot actually work together faithfully, but are each and everyone betrayers, traitors, and wannabe overlords that intend to be the ONE true evil mastermind that rules everything. It is their nature as evil psychos.
This is the underlying principle that effects the laws of physics by which all the power of the universe operate. It is why standing on sound principle is what ultimately will prevail, why good will defeat evil, and in due time paradise will emerge that blesses our posterity without exception or reservation whatsoever, in perpetuity. There just isn't any evil machination that can bribe, blackmail, or bamboozle the laws of physics. Standing on principle and blessing each other will enable good people to prevail, and only those good people will prevail, not schemers that try to act like they are good but try to swindle or defraud good people to benefit themselves.
Good enables benefiting from the laws of physics by conforming to the design of the universe, and will outperform every attempt to subvert what is good, because that subversion is contrary to the straight fact of the operation of the laws of physics.
Reality really is what it is, and fantasy, lies, and fraud cannot better the performance of any actor more than adhering to the real physics underlying reality.
Keep the faith, stand on sound principles, and love your neighbor as yourself.