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RE: Valueplan Strategy

in #life4 months ago

Actually, you're defending yourself from accusations that only existed in your head. For some weeks now individuals that say they directly witnessed fraud have been alleging it, and the funds sent your way raised some questions, which were asked. It is your stunning disingenuity, failure to respond to any questions forthrightly, scathing vitriol, and complete inability to actually account for ~$70k of disbursements in just the last month that really sparked suspicion of you personally. Read what I actually wrote, and go back to our original conversations when you immediately began spewing insults and deriding me personally just for asking questions.

No one does business that way. That's what little kids do when they're caught stealing a dollar out of mom's purse, or cheating on a test. You act like no one ever asks questions about how money is spent in business, and that's ridiculous. That's why receipts even exist, why there are accountants and bookkeepers, so that those questions can be resolved satisfactorily proving theft and fraud isn't being committed. But that's not something you even attempted. Instead you've done everything you could to create the impression you didn't get lots of money, and then tried to make asking questions painful by being a complete asshole, and keep trying to make excuses for why you don't have to, or can't, show receipts. You're acting like there isn't an entire industry keeping track of money in business, like you've never heard of fraud and theft by fraud and the whole idea is ridiculous and could never happen in real life. It's the most transparent bullshit I've ever seen in my life.

All I said about you in my post was that you falsely denied being paid that money, because that's what you did when I asked you about it. You were in fact paid that money, which would be true even if you did later use it to pay other people. Whether or not you kept any of it after that doesn't have anything to do with being paid it first. That's the difference between gross and net, not whether you got paid.

So, you're a liar, and it's your lies, verbal tirades, and abuse that created ever increasing suspicion. You're literally the poster child for every cliche about guilty conscience and defending from accusations that were never even made creating suspicion that didn't exist until you freaked out.

Anyone that has read any of that bizarre offensive trying to prevent inquiry into Valueplan disbursements you handled can't help but suspect you've mishandled funds. All you had to do if you were competent and honest when someone inquired about how the money was used is provide some answers about how it was spent in a reasonable, professional manner, but you're so incompetent and emotionally volatile you sperged out like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

You're really not good at this. You have absolutely no chill, and that attracts attention you don't want to the very thing you're trying to conceal, which is what you actually did with the huge sums of money you flat refuse to disclose. None of that has anything to do with me. What comes out of you is what is in you. What you say reveals who you are. You have created this situation you're in, and now none of the reasonable actions you could have taken will suffice to explain how you've handled the money, because you've made it really obvious you're hiding things and are terrified they'll be discovered. Anger is the child of fear, and your inchoate rage comes from absolute terror.

People you have been dealing with are going to contact you with some advice, if they haven't already. If there's lots of money going missing, they're going to be very motivated to keep you from leading to them. If you are this terrified of answering my questions, I can't even imagine how fast you'll cave being questioned by cops, and that makes you a potential liability to anyone downstream. Good luck, because you have absolutely no skill at this, and you're going to need it if your behaviour is any clue to your integrity.


You really need help. 🤣
Paranoid fantasies of a keyboard lunatic.

You stupid fuck, you dont think the Hive whales that are the VP keyholders have access to all the contracts and expenditures? You think VP dishes out money willy-nilly to me? On my good word? 😂

Anger is the child of fear, and your inchoate rage comes from absolute terror.

Oh is it? My absolute rage comes from being accused of fraud and threatened by a reprehensible piece of shit such as yourself.
There is no man born of a woman that will accuse me of such things and that ill let it fly without responding in kind.

"My absolute rage comes from being accused of fraud..."

What I said was:

"'re defending yourself from accusations that only existed in your head."

Quote me where I accused you of fraud.

"Paranoid fantasies..."


I pointed out the evidence. You supplied the accusation because that is the natural conclusion the evidence points to. You're not responding to my accusations. You're responding to what you imagine I mean, not to my actual words, to the conclusions drawn from the evidence I cite, that you then project on me. This is why I have directed you to read what I wrote, repeatedly.

I said you're a liar, because you lied to me. Since I supplied proof of that, you haven't addressed it. But you keep raging at the accusation that only exists in your mind, that you yourself draw from the evidence and project onto my words because I have cited the evidence. That's why I now tell you to quote the words I posted that accuse you of fraud, because they only exist in your head. You're lying again, because you can't tell reality from your fantasy about the world.


You're lying again, because you can't tell reality from your fantasy about the world.

Hilarious coming from you. Not only did I address all of it multiple times, but GP also addressed part of it in a comment.

Continue bringing up my name in your idiotic conspiracy theorist ramblings and you will get the same treatment as you did now. One of the very few things I hate more online than conspiracy nutjobs is when they make me a part of their delirious ramblings.

Anyone that is capable of understanding and has bothered to read this far will have observed you have presented no evidence whatsoever to support any claim you have made, and that your scatological and child-like insults reveal the quality of your character. You have chosen to lie in the bed you have made, and that is the bed you will lie in.

I have alerted Hive to these issues, and that is my purpose. Thank you for proving me right.

Anyone that is capable of understanding and has bothered to read this far will have observed you have presented no evidence whatsoever to support any claim you have made

I owe you nothing. You accuse, share your delirious fantasies of conspiratorial action, threaten with FBI, police, Guantanamo bay 🤣 as you did in our last discussion, as you do now, and claim im the one that needs to provide "evidence" of who knows what.

Onward Don Quixote there are windmills to slay. 😂

Thank you for proving me right.

There we go... "scientist" in bio, concluding a absurd hypothesis to be true on no evidence whatsoever, yourself claiming I provided none to speak of. 😂
A conspiracy scientist if I ever saw one.

Just to let you know, I'm done bothering with you. You just spew vitriol without any informational content, and I've already heard it. If you had something useful, particularly anything that could prove I was wrong, I'd have been happy to learn from you. Your incompetence is just hollow and repetitive, so I have moved on.

Go away now.


...till your next paranoid episode.