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RE: Is That All You Got?

in #life3 years ago

I highly recommend training in martial arts for the little boom. My eldest gained a remarkable confidence and immovability to anger from it. He grew tall and wide too, about 190cm and >20 stone by 13. It is then that immovability to anger is most desirable, as a testosterone poisoned black belt towering over your diminutive, unreasonable rules imposing form, who is moved to anger in a shop full of chainsaws and power tools you have trained them to use, can do a lot of damage. Of course one cannot back down, and as a manly father smelling continually of meat and vaginas I stood nose to chest with him and advised he put his balled up fists to good use (note: I am quite surprised I have lived to adulthood. Poor judgment has imperiled my life on many occasions, and Providence has left me unscathed when I should have been snipped in half and boiled in acid or similarly mangled more times than I have fingers. I concede this was one of the least reasonable things I have ever done) whereupon he did, spinning quickly about with the effortless grace of a Kung Fu Master and pounding a meat hammer through one of the 4x4 support posts in the shop.

Afterwards, walking away from our conversation unscathed, I cannot express the profound sense of gratitude to Providence I felt that he hit a post and not me. Martial arts FTW!



Ha! Great stuff!

I am firmly of the mind that martial arts are fantastic and indeed help with confidence and giving that ability to internalise (in a healthy way) outbursts such as that.

I did Muay Thai and then Kung Fu for many years and it changed me absolutely for the better.

I confess that I too have suffered from incredibly poor judgement at times and sometimes wonder how I made it to this point in life.

Martial arts FTW for defo!!


Goodness me!!

Yet another gem from MeesterBOOM! But how does he do it? I suspect with a highly-tortured trained pack of Cave Goblins skittering around and sniffing out pearls of wisdom from the rotting nether-regions of a hook-nosed witch.

'Twas them I say! which provide the golden nuggets while laboriously arranging the puzle pieces for their overlord to hoard. Your secret is out BOOM! You've finally been unmasked.
