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RE: Society is a Two-Faced Bitch

in #life3 years ago

I appreciate how you feel. It is terrible to be backed into a corner and have to do or die. All too often what we have to do to not die is cause others harm, even deadly harm.

But you misrepresent our dilemma. I am not at all compelled to simply agree with one side or the other, because I am capable of looking at information and making up my own mind. If I agree that neither of two options is superable, I can decline to support either, and simply go my own way.

I do this a lot. The two cheeks of American partisan politics are a good example of this, as neither is preferable to the other, and it is my observation that it takes both cheeks to make the arse of American government. I support neither Republicrats nor Demoblicans, and I am not alone at all, nor is this a new idea.

I neither side with any political movement, and vehemently disagree that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sometimes I am just alone and surrounded by enemies.

That's ok. I'm going to die someday, and I will likely die on a hill I have chosen by my free will. I post so as to provide information I believe to be factual that has convinced me some policy is rational. I do not post to coerce, deceive, or compel anyone to agree with anything or anyone, and welcome criticism, so that if I am wrong I can find out and change my mind.

I reckon you can do that too, and should.



Not everyone has their head buried deep inside the asses of these cults. Most don't, which is why you'll notice majority doesn't obsess over whichever topic is 'pop news' at the time. Once inside though, things become loud and that noise helps maintain the illusion/delusion.

Once they're in, one can tell them anything and they'll believe it. Right now the latest trick being played was telling the naïve types the vaccine is triggering devices to detect bluetooth signals. It's almost too easy to make money off these people and their attention...

The power of suggestion. It's a form of hypnosis. Even those watching game shows and 'live' television are being subjected. They always had x's taped to the stage where people are to stand so they're always in shot but now some people associate that distance with social distancing, just like those with devices detecting 'unknown device' in their bluetooth options will now associate that signal with someone who's been vaccinated, even though those 'unknown device' signals always existed due to proximity of unpaired devices being a regular occurrence now. Those buried deep within these cults live in a completely different reality now. They can't really be helped either. Hypnosis does wear off over time with less exposure though so shutting off these manipulators in the media would be a wise first step to make. They're programmed to keep it on though, unfortunately.

You yourself associate what I said with being backed in a corner. But there is no corner.

You are quite correct that folks incapable by nature or rearing to make well considered decisions fall headlong into cults. Neither of us is of that ilk.

"...there is no corner."

Sadly, I wish it were so. I learned it was not so in the Seventh Grade, when accosted by several of the teams of jocks. There was ~40 of them and me. This is a real corner, and the solution I sought to implement was that any cornered rat would take.

While I took my lumps, they did not take from me either my voice, nor my self respect. Today we are trapped in many corners in metaphorically similar circumstances to my middle school fray, by forces we are vastly overpowered by.

These forces do take our voices and censor us.

What they cannot do is make us agree they should, or with their propaganda. This is why I am here, and not on Twatter, because here I have a voice, and on Twatter I have been censored. Until the troops come home from Afghanistan, and we are literally dehumanized by force, I will guard my corner as I am able.

Then I expect to be silenced forever.

I'm fully against how certain platforms out there are censoring or applying 'more information' alerts to content coming from independent sources mentioning anything pandemic related. All that did was fuel conspiracy theories. Made it look sketchy and controlled by a few. Also through the power of suggestion again, that conditions minds to dismiss 'unofficial' information by default, which could set the stage for problems down the road. I absolutely hate how the media handled this entire situation. And with that I include those who would intentionally spin the 'official' story into something it wasn't. That's new media as well these days, I suppose, since some choose to believe tabloids and get steered in all kinds of directions. Bugs me how the written word or the spoken recorded word is processed by the human mind. Just seems to enter the brain like a virus and start messing with the signals. And it bugs me seemingly majority of society thinks they're immune to brainwash. Once one puts their guard down, they become easy prey.

Too true. I am often haunted by how easily I have been led astray, and that is why I so treasure criticism, because that has always been what has corrected me when I have been fooled.

Indeed, few are likely to be cornered, which means death or even total exclusion, depending on the degree of provocation. Very few find death, and if they do, we don't hear about it. The common man usually has alternatives that are within reach, even though he may not like them.

If I have understood you correctly, you are saying that the more one takes in the extreme positions of the media, the more hypnotised one remains. I agree.

Eckhart Tolle - although I'm not a big fan of his - called the fascination or hypnosis that relates to sensations the "pain body". This pain body likes to be paid attention to and fed new pain.

What successfully feeds the pain is not the current real situation. It is the fear that what we are afraid of will happen or has already happened.

But it is also a fact that these extremes exist and will probably continue to exist. The one extreme gives birth to the other. If every event that is declared a catastrophe were not such a hit in the media, there would be no opposing forces blowing the same horn. The one causes the other.

I once asked myself what would actually happen if there were no opposing extremists to one set of extremists? Would the whole thing then be dead? Would the extremists then no longer find an ear or an eye? What if the news were full of hysteria and people shrugged their shoulders?

Indeed, I would prefer it just like that. You can hardly allow yourself to express such a view in such a direct way today without being labelled a moral monster. I think it's a better decision not to take it seriously any more. Unfortunately, the people in my living space don't find that desirable. So my ignorance ends at my front door and I can wish as much as I want that more people would just sweep their own doors, they don't do it and like to swing their brooms in other people's rooms.

That said, I can accept that people are like that and that the diversity in which each individual reacts to events is also a blessing. Sameness and uniformity is an abstract idea that, if you fall prey to it, unfortunately, is also always up to mischief.

So yes, there is no corner. And no, there is a corner :) - depends, if you put a "for me" or "for you" into the sentence.

This world is full of inconvenienced pussies. Ever notice that?