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RE: Mustang - Part IV

in #life5 years ago

A spacefaring lifeform is no mere beast. What I observe happening, not propose, is the advance of civilization and society beyond the brutal natural law of tooth and fang the state is the ultimate expression of.

"...any one can choose to live in some abandoned, backwoods hole without any state protection..."

Ah, such a generous, if time limited, offer. You seem to need to misrepresent perennially the facts I discuss. I have never even discussed abandoning human society, and skulking in dens like rogue wolves. I relate the ongoing advance of civilization and the upregulation of society to better enable we men to live free and well.

As you incessantly reveal, the state will never do any such thing, intent instead of the reduction of humanity to domestic chattel devoid of any ability to hope and dream, to invent or expand civilization or society beyond the confines of the corral vampiric overlords impose to parasitize our production.

Finally you blatantly and provably lie about the murderous genocidal nature of government. It was Bolsheviks that prosecuted the Holodomor, the starvation to death of tens of millions of Ukrainian men, women, and children. It was the CCP and Mao himself that undertook the Great Leap Forward, that starved to death or murdered ~50 million.

Totalitarian hell is the fruit of government unchecked, not the result of checking it. Men undertake obligations, duty, and restraint out of love and affection for their fellows. Obedience to armed thugs projecting the power of overlords through their institutional vectors for parasitization is but predation, that very brute force of nature, and domestication of chattel by beasts that have no relation to their prey beyond predation.

You have no facts, no relation to reality in your words except opposition to it.

Fortunately, reality does not listen to you, and will eventuate anyway.