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RE: Fixing Valueplan

in #life9 days ago


The sign of someone that wants to be factually correct, that isn't interested in 'being right', in 'winning' arguments. I have many times stated I'd rather be proved wrong than upvoted, because I value being schooled more than I do coin.

I deeply admire your principles.

But, I won't comment on Tubeyou. Goolag is a cancer, a pox on we monkeys that should be culled like a flu-riddled chicken. Hive has some issues but AFAIK being creepy stalkers that amass dossiers for sale to our enemies isn't one of those problems. I don't have a Goolag account and can't comment, follow, upvote, subscribe, or any of these things useful to creators there.

I really want to do that here, where it has potential to inflict Hive on the world.