My understanding is that hardware level access already exists for all commercial hardware right now. This is expensive, and only available to certain parties. As you'd guess, it's a closely held technology.
This is mostly to allow common thugs to gain access to intimate surveillance, fostering broad and deep social disruption as part of the ongoing collapse of society prefacing their imposition of a global tyranny. It will be very useful in targeting armed civilians with red flag laws, to ensure they cannot resist 'vaccination' with genetic altering injections when troops go door to door to turn people into GMOs after martial law is imposed.
Decentralization of cryptography will emerge IMHO. We'll see.
you mean the cpu backdoors?
to the rest: how do you defend yourself and your people?
People need secure communications. Do not use insecure communications for purposes that require security. Until you can manufacture requisite hardware (which is being developed through the Open Source Hardware movement) do not use extant hardware for communications that must be secure. It is necessary to consider metadata as well as content in this regard.
It seems simple and is, but some folks are too addled to do it. It's exactly the same principle as 'Don't talk to cops', and it's just as often observed in the breach.
yea okay - I have no secure hardware but encrypt everything several times..
the only secure hardware I got is offline - paper with btc key ^^
but what about resisting those people trying to modify my dna?
Well, Bill Gates has gone around the world speaking to support ID2020 and mandatory DNA vaccination to strong disagreement from the public, but his massive investments in GAVI, the WHO, and all sorts of public health institutional infrastructure and vaccine industry vectors have given him great influence where it matters in the centralized imperial governance mechanism. That means public opinion is essential to support mandatory vaccination.
I will do all I can to prevent that support from being created.
It's going to be necessary to have the support of your community in resisting that imposition of mandatory vaccination. Failing such broad resistance, all that's left is what you can do personally. There's a line in the sand that I will not cross, and that is allowing myself to be forcibly genetically altered. I will flee whatever jurisdiction supposes it is my owner to the degree it presumes to force me to submit to that.
I will not be human after being modified, at least not provably, so I will end my days unmodified, sovereign and free, either somewhere mandatory vaccination isn't being forced, or actively preventing that forcing. I have lived innawoods before, and if that's the only way to remain human and free I will again. I have defended my life with force before, and if necessary I will again.
I will force them to inject me with hot lead rather than DNA modifying chemicals, if all else fails.