For four long and terrible years the governments and corporations, NGOs and media, both social and corporate, have pushed a false narrative that a virus comparable to the common cold has constituted a pandemic. Horrifying propaganda originating out of China that showed people collapsing and dying in mid-stride, gushing blood from their mouth and nose, spasming in seizures as they died in hallways, on the floors, and on the streets of Wuhan, China, was splashed across the monitors of the world, literally terrorizing humanity about a new SARS-type virus that was going to kill millions of people. The WHO claimed the IFR (infection fatality rate) was 3.4%, and controversy arose almost immediately regarding the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the 'Bat Lady', Dr. Shi Zheng Li, had been conducting gain of function genetic modifications of bat coronaviruses.
As graphic videos showed Chinese doctors roaming the streets with firearms to execute carriers to prevent the spread, Chinese police forcing people into their apartments which were welded shut to prevent their egress, and eerie moonlit howling of the captives trapped and dying in the apartment complexes the CCP had forbade they exit, governments around the world demanded that air travel from China continue, claiming only racism was a reason to ban entry of Chinese travelers from Wuhan, and Italy even televised 'hug a Chinese' events. As public panic rose governments then imposed mandatory lockdowns of the uninfected en masse 'for just two weeks', mandated useless masks, demanded everyone stay at least 6' apart, and banned travel, frequenting small businesses (while allowing the big corporate franchises to remain open as critical public services) and closed government offices to the public, requiring supplicants to make their pleas by internet, telephone, or smoke signals, for all they cared.
The corporate overlords that ran the 1000 biggest corporations of the world revealed this was their opportunity to reset the economy, and proceeded to strip trillions of dollars from working people, demonstrating what they intended to reset was our money in their pockets, that belied their rhetoric about sustainable development, social justice, and reducing economic inequity. The poster child for evil overlords, Klaus Schwab, donned a villain's robes and revealed he had infiltrated his specially trained Young Global Leaders into the governments of the world, and demanded that any dissent be censored, the dissenters banned, and that a new social credit system based on carbon budgets replace the free market. Billionaires and their celebrity toadies echoed his call.
Blatantly false claims were made that hospitals were overwhelmed with Covid19 patients dying, quarantines prevented visiting family members in care homes and hospitals, where they died alone, of the deadly mRNA genetic therapy jabs, remdesivir, blasting their lungs apart with ventilators, and drugged into insensibility with sedatives and narcotics. As police brutality featuring running down people that dared to be outside without permission with police cars, strangling women not wearing pointless masks, and renditioning people to concentration camps that had failed to comply with the draconian tyranny, massive waves of illegal immigrants were fist bumped as they streamed across borders, military, police, and public service provision forces were stripped of any members that refused to become guinea pigs and test the genetic therapies conjured up and approved with rubber stamps by wholly captive health agencies. Euthanasia laws were introduced to enable doctors to kill anyone that could be convinced to die by their hands. Sterilizing medical treatments for children were proclaimed lawful, and any that opposed sexually mutilating, castrating, or chemically sterilizing children - even their own children, that public indoctrinators could secretly groom in government day prisons that took the place of schools - were criminals committing hate crimes for which the government could take their children from them.
BLM, Antifa, Xtinction Rebellion, pro-crime DA's, all massively funded by evil mastermind George Soros. GAVI, the WHO, and lab grown cancer cell and maggot based fake meat, all funded by supervillain Bill Gates. All these and much more were, and are, crimes against humanity demonstrably imposed by coordinated conspirators seeking to depopulate the Earth, racially target white males that wouldn't grovel and kiss the feet of their abusers, and loving parents raising 3.2 children in family homes with picket fences. Tens of millions died, almost none from the GMO common cold, but rather from the economic deprivation and impoverishment caused by the lockdowns, terrorism, and tyranny of forced subjection to experimental medical devices, lethal medical abuse, deprivation of medical treatment, amongst other causes, like the cancers caused by the jabs, violence promoted by importing murderous gangs without vetting, serially ejected from jails and prisons by pro-crime prosecutors, and of course, MAID (medical assistance in dying), that killed >3% of Canadians that died in 2023.
These crimes against humanity made the criminals that plotted and schemed to commit them $T's. The Young Global Minions infiltrated into governments by the WEF, the corporate profiteers of Big Pharma and the FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Goolag) of social and corporate media, the petty tyrant Karen snitches, the mercenary thugs in totalitarian police forces, and the doctors that made $M's jabbing their patients with experimental mRNA genetic therapies doctored up with adulterants from cancer causing viruses, plasmid DNA, self-assembling nanotechnology, and killing them directly with ventilators, remdesivir, in censored silence, cruel isolation, and brutal agony. What the big retailers didn't steal from the small businesses they shut down and replaced, inflation stole from everyone as the money printers BRRRRR'd incessantly. Many of these crimes are ongoing, the censorship, the jabs, the bribery of doctors, scientific journals, and officials, the mutilation, grooming, and sterilization of children.
It's time to end it.
IMG source -
The Hope Accord demands an end to the iatrogenic crimes against humanity, the jabs that have proven to cause cancers, heart attacks, sterility and stillbirth, and pages and pages of serious adverse events, a sterile term for cruel medical torture and death. Thousands of the best doctors in the world are signatory, and have led the way for you, so you can read and support an end to the genocidal abuse by signing it too. Every crisis and catastrophe comes to an end, and it's time to put an end to this democide now. It's time, and past time, to gather our unity of purpose to hold to account the evil Machiavellian profiteers off the deaths of our beloved friends and families for these crimes. First we have to stop the crimes against humanity, and then we can bring the criminals to justice.
Read the Hope Accord, and sign on to end the democidal betrayal of humanity by malevolent criminals.
Dr. Ian Brighthope's remarks in Perth and one of Dr. John Campbell's discussions supporting the Hope Accord.
The global economy will collapse if we keep going at the current rate.
I am confident that's the plan. As we see in Syria today, it is much easier to conquer something that has collapsed, as Israel is doing taking clay that the Syrian people have possessed from time immemorial. CBDCs will be easy to impose if the economy has collapse and fiat has become worthless. An offer the starving can't refuse.
@valued-customer, I paid out 0.392 HIVE and 0.118 HBD to reward 1 comments in this discussion thread.
I just ignored the whole thing and had 5 awesome years staying home with my family. Ignore all media and enjoy life. It’s really very simple. We ordered everything in and made a very good living with many blogs on Hive, Steemit and Blurt.