bugging out won't save us from the worst evils we face today. He's completely right on that score. Below is the comment I made on that post.My friend @builderofcastles pointed out that
While the total collapse of civilization more threatens today, it isn't anything new, and all the old reasons to be ready to move fast remain, as well. However, the right solutions to all the challenges we face today are social and communal. Control of our government, our money, supply lines of goods and services, security - in short, all the blessings of civilization - are up to all of us to ensure. Bugging out doesn't meet those needs. It prevents us from meeting them because there's a lot of different things that need doing, and we have to work together to get them done.
IMG source - stealth-camping.co.uk
This is what not to do. Bugging out isn't going to save us. Waiting for a collapse will destroy civil society. It's much easier to take action now while we have a functioning economy and access to resources that won't exist after a collapse. Should you wait until you're starving to secure access to food? Not if you're reasonable.
While the nascent tyranny that has been conquering the world in recent decades has put the pedal to the metal since Jan. 2020, this but more clearly reveals the proper course of action is to arrange to meet our needs without delegating anything to these vipers.
None of the good things we need to enjoy civil society are dependent on the participation of Hell Gates, George Sore-ass, or anyone else. Whatever your preferred poison is, humanity isn't dependent on them for anything. Society is competent to take up any slack the sudden loss of fat, psychopathic billionaires might engender - if there's any benefit from suffering their interference in our economies, health industries, or any industries at all. Seems to me their economic rapine only 'outbids' competitors for their roles developing resources and directing their application.
It's because of the WEF that Germany just shut down it's nuclear plants, and hiked the cost of electricity 45%.
Who needs that? Pretty sure any wino off the street could mismanage power provision just as well as the present administration. They could hardly do worse, anyway.
We really don't need those nuclear plants though. Today we can use cheap carbon based inks to print solar panels on recycled beverage containers and pave our roofs. Cheap. We don't need to suffer food supplies tainted with biocides, mRNA injections and durable toxins, or produced in inhumane conditions, or worse, eat bugs, lab waste converted into fake meat, or pay their prices. Nor do we need to suffer being subject to famine and starvation, if we grow our own food. Aquaponics is an inexpensive way to combine hydroponics and aquaculture to produce organic, pest-free, and nutritious produce and protein, and it's simple. 3D printers are capable of using almost every material known to ever have been used to make or construct things, and more, such as printing water out of thin air, printing living cells onto cellulose scaffolds, or even molecule by molecule to produce drugs, bespoke semiconductors, and circuits.
When you think about it, just those three technologies could provide almost the entirety of the goods necessary to provide not just what we need to live, but the services and circumstances we need to thrive, by making the goods necessary to provide secure communications, information storage and security, and political mechanisms secure from corruption. The problem with being represented is criminals seeking to prey on us can simply corrupt our official representatives to betray us, and boy do they! Well, we all communicate every single day using modern technology, and Hive is an excellent model that shows verifiable statements, votes, and financial transactions can be undertaken by ourselves, without the need for representation.
A nice thing about not needing representation, besides the impossibility of being corrupted to harm ourselves, is that all the noxious wokism we don't support at all wouldn't be ripping our social institutions, like families, schools, and churches, apart, because we won't push it on us.
So, that's how to fix the problems pressing most, and for those of us that can manage to be proactive and take these steps without needing to be starving first, we can have that security as soon as we adopt these means of production. As an added bonus we will also eliminate oligarch profiteering and taxable events. We can cut Kill Gates pay and our tax bill at the same time. We don't have to make everything individually, but must have our specialties and trade amongst each other. Societies work together to create the blessings of civilization, and empires imploding is how societies are destroyed. Society is the source of everything every empire supplies. We've got the wrong people - corrupt traitors that claim to represent us - managing our supplies of goods and services. We don't need them anymore, because technology has advanced and now we can discuss, vote, and pay directly for agencies we want, hire the people we want to run them, and approve or disapprove laws and budgets we pay for. Letting them do it for us just isn't working out, and we just don't need them anymore, anyway.
Politics and finance are broken, and the way to fix them is to make new ones. As long as we're dependent on the current models for goods and services, we will be vulnerable to catastrophic failures. By re-sourcing our supplies of goods and services before they fail, we will no longer need the broken system, and can quit supporting it without starving when we do.
As always, humanity needs to solve it's problems itself. We can see numerous examples in history of what happens to people when they wait until institutions fail to solve the problems failing institutions cause, and we can avoid those consequences by acting before more catastrophic failures harm us further. The best part of doing so is that it doesn't require a political movement, a new law, or massive demonstrations and the taste of billy clubs and tear gas.
Just take up a hobby, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do so too. Grow some food, print some solar panels, or bespoke personalized products you can sell or trade. Learn to code. Automate production, and add new hobbies that increase your wealth and the strength of your community. Whatever skills you have, whatever means of production are convenient, whatever amuses you most, you can take action unilaterally to improve your circumstances and your community's health and independence from corruption and democidal maniacs at large.
Problem solved.
Luckily we soon get the scientific world government - cuz politicians are making themselves obsolete quite effective.
Luckily science is also true science and not a hijacked and infiltrated reductionistic, dead, lego block building worldview, mainstream science :))
Everything will go perfectly as planned.
Well, I am sure everything will go better than expected, at least.
By the time they are done implementing all their plans, installing a new world global governance we'll more than likely be six feet under. We can't stop it it's to far gone already, the new generation wants to take control, if they want to live under socialism there isn't much one can do about it.
While I agree I will be dirt long before it is apparent to all that the NWO is a fact, I cannot agree that "...if they want to live under socialism there isn't much one can do about it." If all my neighbors decide to open a bank account and dump all their money into it, from which all their expenses are drawn, I do not have to participate in their scheme.
I am certain civilization existed prior to our history. I am also aware of the continuous record of Stone Age cultures prior to it and to this day. This suggests to me that the NWO will never be a comprehensive government for all humanity, because Stone Age cultures are impossible to prevent and impossible to incorporate into the NWO (also note that is not saying ONLY Stone Age cultures are impossible to prevent. The durability of stone has proved they existed at all times, but that is not proof cultures more advanced did not. Poignantly, prior technologically advanced civilization that I assert existed is lacking in durable evidence, not Stone Age cultures).
Finally, I see that evil is its own reward. By this I mean that injustice is not theoretical, not merely subjective, but that the complexity of the laws of physics encompass our cultures (despite we are incompetent to understand and express that complexity) and the rigor of the No Hiding theorem is true for social interactions just as much as it is true for chemical interactions. I assert that our understanding of our existence is inadequate to encompass our immortality and the eventual balancing of moral equations that will occur. We perceive ourselves as mortal because our consciousness is associated with our bodies, which die, and that association is the only means whereby we perceive consciousness. After bodies die, we no longer are able to ascertain consciousness that was associated with that body, and our nescience regarding the application of the No Hiding theorem to our consciousness enables false speculation regarding the cessation of consciousness to be asserted.
However, such assertions are false. Physics has established that information is nonperishable, and this includes information regarding our consciousness. Note that information exists whether we know it or not, and trees falling make sounds whether we hear them or not.
Regarding the conquest of Earth by the NWO, since such NWO is unjust, physics will eventually, somehow, counter it, because justice is as objectively certain as gravity. Rather than being inevitable and unstoppable, I assert it is impossible and the implementation being undertaken futile, based on false assertions and derangement.
I have previously pointed out that centralization is non-competitive with decentralization, that decentralization of the means of production is currently the state of the art in every field of industry today, and it is certain that not only will we defeat the NWO, but will create a state of civil society so felicitous, wealthy, and free it can only be described as paradise.
Okay, I'd call you Mr Douglas but Tarazkp is my Mr Douglas on here, hopefully everything turns out in the end but it's really hard to see it within our youth today.
Civilization already collapsed at world war 1 and absolutely latest in ww 2..-
Seems to do so serially.
Like bitcoin, all of this tech is coming out to put power into the hands of people.
First money
then electricity
then medicine
All the Too-Big-Too-Fail are going to crumble.
And so will all the evil that they enable.
I absolutely agree, and reckon it is demonstrable that the NWO is not only impossible, but that decentralization will instead enable free people to create the paradise that has been prophesied millennia ago.
Dear @valued-customer !
The world I live in is already transforming into a socialist world like China.
I don't think you are a socialist!
I agree with your point, but I feel like there's not much I can do here!😂
Your personal security is in your hands alone, and every necessity to you is also just as much. To do nothing is to choose a fate. Do the things you know to be necessary to secure those essentials you must have, and do not succumb to demands you die of the lack of them.
From what I understand, the civilization our ancestors built for our safety and social perspective has destroyed already by the modern concept and governmental shits everywhere. The thirst for power and money is turning the human out of humanity; no one cares about anything and anyone!
But it is inevitable that there must be a bigger collapse after the peak point, the more we are climbing there the more possibility of civilization collapse with more catastrophic loss is gonna happen!
Marriage systems are no more in many places and a large portion young generation is unwilling to take babies which is a clear sign of the collapse I think, the solution may be to go a little backward by building up what our ancestors build with social and cooperative life.
Thanks a lot for sharing such thoughts.
It is indeed. Yuval Hariri opines we are hackable animals, and stated unequivocally that we will be hacked for fun and profit. Human rights just aren't going to apply to us, since overlords stripped terrorists of human rights, and today have redefined all of us as terrorists.
Indeed, we need to know the good people we depend on for our blessings, and when we trade with our neighbors what we make for what they make, that social framework is the means whereby that happens.
It is when we're alone and unknown that we are most vulnerable to bad actors, and just as we defend our friends and family, our friends and family will defend us. I read some history of the war in Bosnia back in the 90s from a survivor, and he pointed out that the single most important thing that survivors had those that died didn't was friends and family. Bodies standing next to you on a wall throwing lead downrange at enemies attacking you, people standing watch while you slept, and people guarding the base while you go forage or trade for things you need, there's no essential task to survival that isn't easier and produces better results when more people are working together on it.
Helping people grow wealth is a great way to be their friend. Help them put in a garden, teach them how to make things with 3D printers, give them some inexpensive solar panels you print off using recycled materials, etc. Being good to people tends to give them a good opinion of you, and more likely to be good to you. More importantly, it's just the right thing to do.
Getting married is a very expensive mistake.
Go drop 20k+ in Vegas on one spin of the wheel. Your odds are much better.
Men get no benefits from marriage (legally speaking) and all the responsibilities.
Getting married means you can now go to jail without trial, on her word.
This is what happens when sociopaths are at the top. They make the whole system into a feeding frenzy without any trust. Might is right is all of the law under this regime.
"Getting married is a very expensive mistake"
In a downturn of a global crisis though she can help push the plow.
You can get her to push the plow with the promise of food in that time.
Still better to not get married 😝
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @tanzil2024 tipped @valued-customer