My Kundalini Experience: Part 1 [The Begining]

in #life8 years ago


Six months ago

I started doing spiritual practices, not knowing anything about what I was getting myself into. I was really bored because back then, there wasn't much to do rather than drink beers in parks and have meaningless conversations with people, discussing our current life situation which was beyond obvious.

If doing the same thing over and over, day after day isn't an indicator that life needs to take a new direction I don't know what is.

Due to the great amount of boredom and having done almost everything there is to do in the small city I used to live in, I started to do research on spiritual teachings and arts, hoping to go beyond myself and reach something which was unknown back then to me. But honestly, that makes things even better right? The thrill of the unknown.

When people live a repetitive life they start repetitive emotional and mental responses towards specific things and actions, which I think is the main cause of boredom itself. You know what will happen on an emotional level from something that you are about to do before you've even done it.


The Dive

At the beginning it wasn't anything strange, I started meditating and started evolving my intuition and expanding my creativity, believing in all sorts of strange stuff. It all seemed very interesting from an explorers point of view. Experiencing lucid dreams and having a vivid imagination, at one point I found it more fun dreaming and daydreaming as I could create better scenarios than what my current life condition had to offer.

Yeah truly amazing but then one day something bad happened.

I saw an article on past life regression and was really interested in having a look as to what my past held, so without further ado, I rushed quickly and started to practice it.

I am not going to explain what this is or how it's done but I will explain what happened, In short words, it's accessing your subconscious to get information.

So I entered a hypnotic state and dived into the regression, what seemed as twenty minutes had passed and I was in a regressive state (sleeping but aware, something like a lucid dream) I was standing in Egypt, wearing a mask of Anubis.

I was standing in the desert's sands and there was a strange pyramid with stairs leading to a big entrance of pillars. I decided to investigate what was going on there and went towards the entrance.

With every step, I made fear struck me harder and harder, stopping a few steps before the entrance itself. Only darkness could be seen inside, and a breeze of strong fear I had never felt before.
It seems I had the choice to either enter and embrace the fear or go back.
The fear was too much for me to handle and I stepped back.

Afterwards something horrible happened which I am not going to share here as It is too much for me to share with the public.

At the end of the whole thing, I woke up, shaking with fear and my heart was beating faster than 120bpm, my breath was really fast, it was as if someone was choking me for the past couple of minutes. I decided not to experiment any more with these regressions until I found it safe to do so, or at least not to do it by myself so no damage could be done to my mental health.

There were a ton of warnings that were listed when trying to do this by oneself, but hey, what good does a delinquent that drinks beers on benches know.

If that wasn't enough to tell me I should STOP messing around with this kind of stuff, I found a new thing to test out, called the ( Mer Ka Ba) The eternal body, Mind-Body-Spirit Translation from Zulu: (space/time/dimension ) link.

It said that with this you could go to other dimensions and speak with other beings, which is true but when you realize how this works in reality compared to your premature fantasy, you start to realize that it is not much different than being a mental nutcase that is followed by aliens and has schizophrenia.

We will cover the MerKaBa Tommorow in part 2

“Because many people are confused by Kundalini’s real nature, we must do more to define it accurately, starting with what it is not. For example, it isn’t devil worship or a supernatural cult. Neither is it a religion nor a sect. It’s a biological process. You can’t be converted to Kundalini any more than you can be converted to a heart attack or an orgasm; they just happen. That’s the nature of biological processes: They just happen.”
"J.J. Semple, The Biology of Consciousness: Case Studies in Kundalini"

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I think the greatest thing is to enjoy quality dreams. Otherwise at this point I still hadn't fully invoked the Kundalini energy?
Also thanks for the feedback and sharing :)

Very interesting.... I was very much into meditation too few years ago I was even capable to meditate for 3-4 hours a day without loosing mindfulness or my focus... I never experienced again such feelings like back then it was amazing... anyway it faded away as my daily routine changed and I stopped meditating ... Now I can't even meditate for 5 minutes It seems like it requires to much of will power/effort.... sry this was litlle of topic... anyway I never tried to evoke my kundali as I was warned that is very strong energy and its dangerous if you dont know what are you doing, never tried mer ka ba and past regression too as I waswas always little afraid to do this stuff... but I had plenty of lucid dreaming and other experiences ... looking out for part 2 to see how it went with MerKaBa ...

Mediitaion is a primitive method to conncet with the Universe. It indeed is the safest method to experience your creator. Descipline is very much required to reach to the state of blissfulness, would recommend you to continue doing it :)

Yeah I understand that... It's just I can't find the motivation right now to start again. But definitely I will start again some time soon.

Wow. What an experience! I get K when I use my plant teacher - I'm lucky that I can control it that way. In fact, I'm going to post about this. Thanks for the idea :) If you like this post, please follow me back as I'm collecting followers who are into this kind of stuff: