Are You Financially Enslaved?

in #life7 years ago

Financial Slavery

Its amazing what our world evolves into. In the past we have the terrible sights of slavery, genocide, and so much more sin. I use the word sin as an act of immorality, not in a religious way. What's immoral? I say imposition in another's life, especially harmful actions. I'm not too exactly sure though.

Slaves, Obey Your Masters
1 Peter 2:18–20, Part 1

Fascinating. Truly fascinating. This jogs my brain a little, making me wonder exactly what has been passed down through this specific sacred book.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children

These are some more statements, just to appease the inner curiosity. The bible seemed okay with declaring man as the alpha, even over some other men.

Anyway! Back to us being enslaved. Are you in a job that you don't want to be in? Are you stuck in this job because you have mortgages, kids, or much more debt? Do we have to continue down this road? Will it ever end?

Is this what my life will be?

These are some questions that come into my brain. It is unfortunate, I know. This is my life, the only life I have, as far as I know. Not just mine, but everybodies'! Imagine how many souls go through life trapped in despair, trapped in mundane routines because they can't manage to break free into financial security. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, the first fucking level is essentially spelling out financial security. People can't get much higher without this according to Maslow. If this is true, well then what the actual fuck?

I understand the bottom level does not say that there is money involved, as you can obtain these things in other ways, money free. wink wink (5 dolla suckie suckie) Just kidding!

However, money would help. A universal basic income could solve this issue, how nice would that be. Here's a great question though, should everybody be financially secure? It would be quite wonderful as a species, but as a natural adaptation. Meh. I'm just not quite sure. I think it could cause technological and much more progression due to grasp of opportunity due to a net system (basic income).

People complain about healthcare not being available fairly. Well, honestly, I'll say it. Not everybody should have health care. I mean, I understand we're trying to evolve as an entire species, key note entire, but that is simply unrealistic. Opportunities may be given to many, but its illogical to think all could be supplied. There's too much imbalance in the world.

We see the big banks controlling many things in our lives, all the way down to our actually fucking life. Well shit. They got us, from day one. The moment you're born, in America, you have to be registered with a Social Security Number for Identification purpose. A parent has the right to condone whether their kid receives one? When does the kid get to make a new decision? When they're conscious? They won't be thinking about it too much through their journey I don't believe. Its sort of weird, many important decision are made by people in your life, yet it effects you the most. Obviously there must be guidance at an early age, but imagine what being financially distraught can do to a childhood. I know a kid that had about 6 siblings and his parents lived off of welfare playing world of warcraft. I visited his house and DAMN. They just simply fucked up their next generation almost man. I mean, this is happening everywhere. Irresponsible people are just birthing kids into shitty situations.

What's stopping you from dreaming, from doing? Are you financially enslaved? Have you witnessed it and walked away freely before? The only one handcuffing us is ourselves, but they helped our minds prevent us from seeing. Look around in this world, start to ask more questions, don't just accept what is painted for you. Pick up a damn brush and make a new portrait of this world. If everyone likes your portrait enough, heck we'll call it reality.

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Just don't....don't stop steeming please. Seriously.


I'm intrigued by the idea of universal basic income, and I would love to see how it would evolve over time. While it might inspire to ineffectivity amongst someone, I'm sure it would free people to dedicate time and money to the ideas they are passionate about. And let's face it: People who revolutionize industries are driven by passion, not a compromise between financial security and a somewhat interesting job. I'm not sure where such a system would get the money from, though.

Crypto will get us there sorta, imo.

Your wittiness is truly a blessing.
Does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs remind you of anything, say, spiritual? Hint: check my page.
A couple points-- if we were taught how to take care of ourselves from a young age, would universal health care actually be needed? Or could we create our own by doing what we're supposed to be doing as animals?
Secondly, you make some very interesting comments, especially regarding "seeing".
Lastly, I found this video this morning, seems to go right along with this post. Enjoy [:

Look at you, you little seeker of knowledge :D 7.7.7