Your First Meditation Session
I won't be covering the benefits of meditation today. I will cover the process of doing a meditation session and what purpose there is for it.
Meditation allows you to slow your brain waves. Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Alpha. Calming the brain allows for molding of the mind. Think of it as calibrating your brain. Initially it will be wild, but through persistence and consistency a significant difference will arrive.
PLEASE find a quiet space. Get away, vibe off of your own energy. If you are surrounded by nature, beautiful. Go somewhere where you are completely distraction free.
The initial practice will only be five minutes. So what you should do is set a timer on your phone. This can usually be found in the default clock application on your mobile. Doing this allows you to forget about the time. You don't want that in the back of your mind; it still comes to my mind, and I've just begun ten minute sessions.
The only thing to start out with is sitting comfortably and breathing naturally. This is my style.
So comfortable.
Now that we're comfortable, let your mind wander. Just let it go. Don't listen to the thoughts, let them pass. Let them fade, and later you can see what may have went through your mind. You may see that your mind is synthesizing thoughts out of nowhere. Meditation will help calm these thoughts.
I use an anchor, my breath. I focus on my breath so if i accidentally follow a thought I can come back to my neutral state. You mustn't do this quite yet, but if you're feeling like that would help then go right ahead!
After five minutes, sit back and think about what had happened. Nothing too drastic, but you may notice a faint lightness within you. Good for you. I hope you grow your curiosity and continue on your meditation quest.
Find a comfortable environment free of distraction
Get situated in a lovely pose
Breathe naturally
Spectate your thoughts, but let them fade away.
recover from following a thought by returning to spectator viewReflect on your feeling afterward
Repeat the next day, or morning and night.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope somebody allows themselves to discover the beautiful practice of meditation.
Give some love, and comment about your first time meditating and what you expected. How did it actual turn out? How far have you come since the beginning? I'd love to hear.
Love it!
I'm quite a busy person and I try to meditate from time to time, but I really want to implement it into my routine - there hasn't been a single meditation session that didn't make me feel better afterwards, it's truly amazing!