Now there's no doubt there's trash in the ocean. But I think the onus is not on us the people, but rather the bastards who are using media spin to push their 2030 agenda. (Once again)
Curious on your thoughts on this?
Everyone has responsibility to know that every decision they make has knock on effects beyond the scope of their local reality. It can be tough to have no involvement in this - even when I chose to become vegan, partially to limit the pollution I create - I found that it is hard to get away from plastics unless I grow my own food. Growing my own food is the best option in many ways, but that means I don't do other things that I think do need to be done.
Basically, we need to collectively agree to work together in cleaner, more useful ways. Treating the ocean like a hunting ground slash waste dump is not an example of that.
I grow a food, a good bit of it every year (not enough to be independent, yet) I also compost all my scraps and bring reusable bags to grocery stores. Little differences that add up over time. But more importantly of my own free choice to do so.
I agree we need to collectively work together. But as a community outside of the clutches of the government/corporation controll.