Yesterday evening I got a message on my mobile phone that there was a new sofwareupdate for the Android Operating system. Normally these updates contains improvements on different things in the Operating System and I never had any problems with an update so I downloaded and installed the new Oreo update (no not the cookie) .
Like any other Android update it took some time to finish, it had to download 1.2 GB on installation file and of course I had to free up some space. Although I don't know how I got 32GB in use, I think the google drive's and MS Onedrives aren't configured properly.
After 20 minutes the update was done, I noticed the battery was still at 50%. So I went to bed, and when I came downstairs this morning my telephone was dead. Strange cause normally it would have been more then enough to be on power the next day when the battery is 50%. But ok, I thought perhaps that it wasn't finished installing and that the post-install took a lot of the battery.
Well, this morning at work I charged the battery for some time and started to play some music. I noticed that the battery went draining pretty fast so I thought that something was quite wrong. So I googled a bit and saw quite quickly that it is a know problem with the Oreao Operating System in combination with the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge. See for some problem here
Although I haven't filed a incident at Samsung for this problem I already read that several people already did and that Samsung is saying that it's the battery's problem and not the Operating System... Yeah right, after a software update the telephone is consuming way more battery. Seems to me like a leak in the software of apps...
I only hope they will bring out a fix for it rather quickly because I don't want to charge my phone 24/7 :)
Have a great day
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Looks like a temporary fix might be to disable VoLTE calling. Some people have had good results doing that after having updated to Oreo...
Ah thank you,will try it out :)
Nou das lekker!
Typical stuff on how things should NOT work sometimes. Systems really dont get whats going on. An draining batteries are really like horror to me. The thing just has to work and be reliable
You're right... and if you can't even go out the door without a recharger....that's horror :)
I'm feeling ya!