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RE: Five months of fear

in #life6 years ago

Thanks for the kind words dear Alison! I really hope that my healing journey is already beginning, although I still experience the pain of loss and often cry. But I know that then the pain must go away in order to give way to bright memories of the time spent with him.

And I also have to learn digital graphics. My husband dreamed about it and supported me in this.


Yes. Everyone's healing journey is different and we need to be especially kind to the person who knows our needs more than anyone else: Ourselves.

If you are wanting to learn more about digital graphics, I think you could find inspiration and support from some of the digital artists at Makers Place ~ You have to request an invite at the MP discord and the admin will guide you in what you need to do to start setting up your own Gallery there.

Thanks for the link Alison! Oh my god ... I’m so unaccustomed to English, I need time to understand what kind of community it is.