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RE: Free Armadilloman Wallet from Papa-pepper!

in #life7 years ago

Members of Parliament (criminals)!
Rupert Murdoch owns most of the papers. The one I occasionally view is owned by some Russian. But that's on the surface so who know's. I think mainly it's Murdoch. As for radio it's mostly BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation or Broadcasting Bullshit Continuously) who are supposedly independently but funded by the government!
I intend to! From when I started twenty years ago it come on leaps and bounds 💯🐒


lol I like what BBC stands for! They actually claim that they are independent even though they are funded by the government??
I don't know what Murdoch' political views are, do you? or maybe
it doesn't matter because at that level they all play together?
thank you sir. there is still a shred of hope if more and more Brits awaken.

Look how tough and unbeatable ya'll were in WWII!
might need another Churchhill to stir things up.