What Does This Photo Say About Our Society?

in #life8 years ago

Let that question sink in.

In the society we live in today, we use technology to improve our daily lives in so many ways. Heck, look at Steemit.  A arguably censorship resistant, decentralized, and FUN blockchain project. The reason I ask this question (in the title) is to open a dialogue with my followers, and the Steemit community as a whole. 

Personally, this photo represents a generational gap. A gap between the tech savvy  younger people and the practical and technologically disadvantaged. As our life gets easier, their life gets harder. As we become more intertwined into our devices, they feel more isolated. I'm not sure that anything as a whole can be done to rectify this. The only thing, we can do is try to recognize when one of the "others" (i know, i know)  feels they aren't apart of whatever is happening.  In this situation, you should try to make the effort, to either educate the "other" on technology or, just hand the victory over and lock our devices and take part in whatever is happening around us.

Please comment and let me know, what this picture means to you!



Whats this picture means to me?

I totally agree. It's sad that the parents and i'm assuming grandchild, I paying no mind to the most wise and eldest among them.

I wonder if their are going to be some serious problems with this trend in the future. It is not only the isolated person in the picture. But each individual absorbed in their own world.

I really think there will be.