A New Idea Can Change Your Life

in #life8 years ago


The desire to succeed in the world is for everyone and people get ahead to get this wish. Now, with the desire to attain success, you will find two types of people going forward-

1- First, there are people who choose Target or Idea to achieve success, which has already been achieved by many people i.e., their idea is old for getting success Is taken from somewhere.

2- Secondly, there are people who choose the goal or idea to achieve success that has not been achieved by anyone till now, that is, to get success, their Idea is completely new and created by yourself Would have gone.

Friends! Everyone knows that both types of people want to choose their target with the new Idea, or choose your target with the Old Idea, if you work in Right Direction with better planning then success can be achieved by both types of people.

But now here 3 questions come in mind, they are:

1- Which of the two types of people easily get success?

2- Which of the two types of people is more stable?

3- The most important question is, whose success of both types of people makes him more famous and rich (Rich)?

Answer to the first question :

The first type of people choose that Idea (Old) or Goal which has already been achieved by many people.

This type of person can choose those paths to get their goal, which people have already adopted to achieve that goal. You can use those methods that have already been used to get that goal.

Such a person can be motivate from those who have already attained success with that idea. People with this type of goal get a lot of ease. The advantage is that there is some ease in finding success.

But the second type of people choose that Idea (New) or Goal which has not already been adopted by anyone. Such people do not get a pre-prepared route to achieve their goals, but they do themselves themselves ways.

Such people have to find new ways and no Ideal Person motivates them, but they have to be Self Motivate. Therefore, such people have to do more work and effort to get success.

Answer to the second question :

When a person gets success with Old Idea, he gets a lot of people like him in the world of success, who have already attained success in that area. All this people become its competitors.

Now he has to work hard to keep others successful due to competition. One mistake of her can lower her from the others.

Success with the Old Idea is easy to get, but after getting success, it is hard work to win a Competition consistently. Therefore, stability in this type of vacuum is very low.

Whereas if a person gets access to his new Idea, then in the world of success, he finds no other than himself. He reigns alone in the world of success.

He does not have any competitor, so to maintain success he does not have to work hard, but an extra work of him leads him to more success. Therefore, stability in this type of vacuum is very high.

Answer To the third question :

A person achieving success with Old Idea, whose success is very low, is continuously continuing only with people like him, and anybody, whether it is right or wrong, adopts all the ways to move forward, He never wins the hearts of people and neither he can do anything new.

With so many people being in the world of success, nobody can make their image strong for a long time and due to which she does not become more famous or earns a lot of money because there are lot of competitors here because of From his monopoly he could not become.

While the person achieving success with the new Idea, whose success is very high, it does not have to compete with anyone.

If it goes ahead, then it grows right through the right path because there is no need to move it wrongly. Such a person can do something new

Due to being alone in the world of success and continuing to progress, he makes his image strong and for this reason he becomes very famous.
He does not have any competitor, because of his monopoly, he earns more and more money.

Friends! Now tell us that you would like to walk on the paths of others or will you build a new path for yourself?

Do you want to achieve success by following Old Ideas, or want to achieve success by following New Ideas?

Keep in mind 1000 Old Ideas can not even reach that height of success, while a New Idea can change your whole life and you can reach that height of success whose dream was ever seen by Bill Gates, whose dream was never ever seen in Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos had seen. Stop following others and their ideas and work on such new ideas that you turn into Success, thousands of people can follow you. Because a New IDEA could change your LIFE.

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Hey great article!!
It was really inspiring and helpful and on top of it you described each and every question very nicely!!
And yeah thinking out of the box surely does wonders :)
Keep posting such inspiring articles.
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Hope to get followed back!!