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RE: Wet Spaghetti

in #lifelast year (edited)

Keep hoping, you dork! So do I hope a kangaroo will kick the shit out of you one day, imbecile (that or perhaps one of those spiders there, you snake)! You are an illiterate retard who doesn't even know what needy is (and I severely doubt you even have the proper education to know that and by that I do not mean institutionalised education but rather common sense which you lack in abundance). Your so-called sense of humour is tremendously below of a rock (as is your empathy which even Gollum/Smeagol would surpass, for real). You are no moral authority here you evil monster, nor are you elsewhere. You are just a jackass who can't even come up with any intelligent swear words and a disgrace as an Australian (if you truly want to learn something about war and weapons, see Peter Garrett and Midnight Oil if you are truly able to understand even a tiny bit of their lyrics; however, given your emotional intelligence you definitely wouldn't). Go to hell, hypocrite!

Last but not least, if you even have one neuron left (which might be quite debatable), you should understand that your false claims or threats do not scare me, moron! You can downvote my comments here for as long as you want (that's the only seemingly efficient thing you can do to some users and your most favourite hobby here which at some point I will partly ruin as I will part this blockchain because of you and your warmongering acolytes), that means nothing, absolutely nothing to me, you cretin! However, this is one of your purposes in life for you (once again, there is a certain pathology for that), as your sadistic existence craves for this (and not only to downvote me), dorky-G (here's a proper nickname for you). And just so you know, once again, I've been around here more than you but never in my life have I met someone as vile as you either here or on Steemit. Keep drinking plenty of coffee and save the kangaroos some energy in dealing with the likes of you!


So, so needy.

Thanks for commenting again Needy-V, another opportunity for me to lower your reputation score. Keep it up.
