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RE: My Farewell Post

in #life11 months ago

I presume that is a comment made by galenkp (through another bot made on purpose to terrorise other users here, thereby not adhering to any community standards, let alone one on which he is a relative newcomer compared to other users, especially me) and in that case I can only reply that you have multiple very worrisome pathologies and you are a tremendous hypocrite and liar, to such an extent that you are tremendously pathetic and you don't even deserve a spit.

I did not take any money from anyone, I earned it here, and the blockchain transactions are the best testimonies in these regards. You, on the other hand, are a ruthless, warmongering terrorist who shouldn't be an admin here who literally negatively impacted many users and stole their earnings by means of downvote. I donated a lot of my earnings to charity causes without bragging and I brought nearly all my earnings from Steemit in order to do this, which really enraged you (especially the NFTs for Ukraine, you sadistic psychopath). Go to hell where you belong, filth!


I am less concerned with what you stole on Steemit. Sneaky sneak thief. The blockchain shows all

The Hand of Justin sees all

You are severely cortically-challenged and a degenerated, disgusting filth who is a danger to many trustworthy users and by no means any moral authority here. There will be a day when you will not be an admin on this blockchain and that is going to be a very happy day for many users you had unrightfully attacked, terrorised, and stole resources from (including badges). The blockchain shows all how much of a pathetic and severally-cortically challenged scumbag you are. One which, once again, doesn't even deserve a spit, hypocritical liar, and sneaky thing you are. What a disgusting creep, moron, and imbecile you can be... There are literally no limits to your injustice and wrongdoings. You are the personification of fakery, forgery, and evil here. You are pastiche and I hope other admins will take care of you and your squad of hysterical downvoters, sooner or later...

You have no idea what honest work is, you horrendous filth. You are just a sadistic animal murderer and a blockchain terrorist to other users. Many which are exponentially more emotionally intelligent than you will ever be in ten lifetimes from now (and let's just talk emotional intelligence here, which is a very, very foreign and distant concept for the wretched mind of a stupid brute like you and perhaps your acolytes, not that I would care that much, fortunately).

It looks like a nerve has been struck. You are ill-judged on my identity but no one would expect intelligence from you just sneaky thieving.

Did you think no one would find out?

You almost got away with it... almost, but...

The Hand of Justin sees all