Good evening, fellow HIVE users, tough nuts, and dear readers out there! For today's fifth special post here on my HIVE blog, I decided to write a bit about the advantages of being a tough nut in life, so to put it.
First off, please allow me to explain what a tough nut is in my own philosophy, so to put it. A tough nut is a male who is very resilient, resourceful, and durable throughout the passing of time in the face of life's many adversities, including, most notably, external negative contexts and various mishaps directed towards him.
Now that I defined what a tough nut is to the best of my capabilities, let's talk a bit about the advantages of being a though nut in life: you don't crack easily (just like some tough nuts you might intend to eat), you can bear better fruits (i.e. be more successful; tough nuts hide the best food under their shells), you don't allow just anyone in your life (i.e. you are very selective of your close company), you keep a healthy distance towards people with dubious characters, you live longer and more happily, and you gain more experience, skills, and wisdom along the way.
A tough nut carries on, even after the other ones are broken in the background. A tough nut withstands the adversities of life better, making that respective man more durable and strong through successive hardships. That's what a tough nut is. I know, for I am too a tough nut. Image source: Pixabay

Now tough nuts aren't that common, or so do I think. So in order to be a 'tough nut' you really have to take good care of yourself, bodily, mentally, spiritually, socially, and economically. The path of a tough nut is not for everyone. It might be rather lonely many times, but it's well worth it if you've learned some tough lessons in life. In point of fact, that's what makes a tough nut what it is!
A tough nut does not need external gratification and it doesn't even care that much about it... A tough nut knows that the gratification comes in the doing, not necessarily in the results. But the results are equally important many times.
A tough nut is also sensible and caring, but is far more reserved (which makes his life significantly easier and peaceful as well as the lives of his dear ones). So, my dear reader, are you a tough nut as well? Have you ever been experienced? Well, I am...
Thank you so much for stopping by, for your precious time as well as for reading this post here on my HIVE blog! All the best, plenty of health and success, and God bless you!
Many blessings your way, all the best once again, much health, take care, stay safe, and, just as in the words of Ringo Starr, peace and love your way! Great peace and a lot of love your way, I might add! Have an excellent and most peaceful day along with your close/dear ones! Namaste and great peace your way once again! 😊🙏✌️☮️
Also, please don't forget to keep praying for Ukraine and its people! Much love, blessings, and peace to Ukraine and the Ukrainians as well! May the war stop very soon! 💛💙🇺🇦
P.S.: Thank you very much for all your support, readership, attention, precious time, appreciation, re-blogging, and feedback here on HIVE. 😊
Stay blessed, loved, well, and safe along with your family and friends! Cheers and please stay tuned for more amazing content on my HIVE blog! 😊
Yes, great qualities to have indeed. Reminds me of Stoicism a bit (which I am by no means an expert on but I like some of the principles). You might appreciate this piece on Marcus Aurelius.
Thank you very much for stopping by and for your great comment! Yes, very well pointed out indeed, I am also familiar with Stoicism. I have integrated several of its teachings in my life philosophy and lifestyle as a whole. Thank you very much for that link as well. I will try to check it later. All the best, much health, take care, stay safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! God bless you and keep up the good work here on HIVE and in general! Much respect!
Thank you so much!
You're most welcome! All the best, God bless you, have a great day, and a great weekend!