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RE: Rolling It Back

in #lifelast year

Jesus has risen, farting and with a hangover.

Baking sun yesterday, in Scotland??
Are you sure this wasn't a dream?

We are still experiencing daily - and nightly - rain- and hail showers and cold spells, although a change towards more Spring like weather is upon is.


It was a tease of a day. A whole 15 degrees at one point!! The sun was out and it was magic. Today it is 7 degrees sigh fickle spring!!

Here we had shorts and T-Shirt weather again, in the afternoon. You won't hear me complaining.🌞

I wouldn't either. We had that one nice(ish) day and then boom. Wet town ever since!

Perhaps my latest post will give you some sunny vibes. Hope the Spring like weather will make it across the pond, soonish. It's about time!